Hi, it's my first post here as I just found this page.
I spend many hours searching for a fic and I hope you can help me.
I remember that Tony is competent and not everyone is happy about it. Abby is not happy because she has to dress properly and I remember Gibbs telling someone that the first time Tony had to take someone other than him on the
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I'm with ya on the default view thing. EVERY time I do a search, I have to tell it to show 'Detail' so I get single lines of info rather than entries that are two lines each. As you say, there seems to be no way to convince it otherwise. Grrrr!
As for the search, I just read something that suggests you can put '*' between keywords to look for combinations. I'm off for the week so I can't really test it (I'm on a Mac at home), but I wonder what would happen if you searched for:
If that only returns entries that contain ALL of the words, it could simplify your life considerably, especially for fics whose titles contain only fairly common words.
Also, there was something about search tools that could be downloaded to help search. You know it's bad when folks write their own programs to overcome the 'improvements' made by the designers. :D
It works! It came right up. Then I opened a couple of folders to find a really generic name, then backed out to the main folder... and "What was it Like" popped up immediately.
Amazing! I need to go and... hmm... new post, or update the other post so they'll be together? I'll experiment.
Thanks so much! Already I don't know how I lived without these!
Hey, anything I can do to help story archivists is really not enough. You guys are the best resource we have to keep the stories we love available and findable.
Thanks for saving all the stories. :D
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