Trapped From Life (1/4) Escaped

Dec 24, 2008 19:25

This was meant to me MUCH shorter :)

Title: Trapped From Life (Escaped)
Author: heimedall
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kate/Gibbs
Genre: Romance, challange
Spoilers: None
Prompt: Thing-a-Thon V, Kate/Gibbs - Escape
Summary: A mission goes wrong and Kate finds herself trapped with Gibbs until things can be put back together.

Trapped From Life (1/4) Escaped
She hated it, every minute of it. Well that wasn't technically true, but Kate was so frustrated at going from town to town, city to city with Gibbs that she couldn't put it any other way right now. She'd promised herself, after messing up with the last boyfriend that she was going to make an effort to find someone to marry and have kids with. She'd flirted with Leroy Jethro Gibbs for too long, kept up hopes that his flirting was more than just playful banter, but he was twice her age and the chances of that being true were less than non-existent.

They were heading quickly for their fifth month on this case and their seventh location and she was frankly tired and grumpy. He seemed fine, well as fine as Gibbs ever got, but then again, he was travelling with a "pretty young woman" as he'd so elegantly put it during their first weeks. She was a mess, tired, frustrated and paranoid that they'd be doing this for the rest of their lives. Endlessly chasing some run away marine who changes his name as often as he changed his location, literally. If only the bastard hadn't stolen top secret information before hitting the road.

She was frustrated with Gibbs, her feelings for him still stood. She was in love with him. He wasn't a complete bastard, not all the time. It just became fun calling him that. Though lately she'd gone back to meaning it and that was mostly because it was his fault she was here with him.

"Kate, with me," he said passing through the bullpen with coffee in one hand and his phone in the other. She flicked her sketchbook closed and giving Tony a confused look followed him up the stairs and into the director's office. Morrow was on the phone when she stepped in and she waited, standing a few steps behind Gibbs to find out what was going on.

"I said bring the two agents you trust most," Morrow said dropping the receiver back into place.

"I did," Gibbs answered with a snide look. Kate felt herself stand straighter; Gibbs just admitted he trusted her more than Tony or McGee.

"I need to send two agents in as a couple, Gibbs," Morrow argued.

Gibbs turned to look at her, his eyes running the length of her body and sending a chill up her spine. She had to swallow to stop herself from saying something stupid, she didn't know what she'd be getting into until they explained it, so the best thing she could do right now is keep her lips sealed.

"I can't pass as her wife?"

She couldn't stop the brow from arching.

"Her father maybe," the Director grinned knowing he had just called his friend old and Kate had to bit her lip to hide her smirk as Gibbs turned back to her.

"Women marry older men, you know," Gibbs wasn't going to let that go anytime soon.

"Yeah," Morrow said with an accepting nod. "Usually, they are desperate, no social skills or bimbo's and the guy's ridiculously rich. Neither of you fit either description."

Gibbs turned to her again and again he ran his eyes over her in an appraising kind of way that made her shiver. As she had last time, she had to swallow and bite her lip to stop from speaking and she adjusted her stance just slightly to keep from walking away as she blushed.

"Kate too smart to be called a bimbo, and too pretty to be socially inadequate and desperate," Gibbs said and she knew he was grinning at her as she looked away completely embarrassed now and wishing she was invisible.

"I'm standing right here," she said eventually and heard the director's chuckle before he spoke.

"Then I'll leave the acceptance of you playing her husband up to Agent Todd. Either way, we need to get through this quickly." He indicated the chairs and Kate finally moved to sit down on the sofa, very aware of how close Gibbs sat to her.

She'd either been foolishly taken in by his comments and teasing or she hadn't listened properly because of them. Either way, she'd agreed to this eventually. Though she had to admit, she didn't agree on anything until after Gibbs trapped her in the elevator on their way down to Abby.

They stood silently waiting for the elevator to reach the lower levels of the building, Kate loved going down there, Abby was the most fun she got working in a team of men and usually she had some silly project going on. She was going to freak when Gibbs asked her to start sorting out fake identification (with the works in papers) for him and Kate as a married couple.

Kate swallowed hard, what on earth had she been thinking of when she'd told the Goth she had a thing for her boss...

The thought was interrupted as Gibbs reached over and hit the emergency stop button. She could have panicked in that moment. Worried he'd do something inappropriate, if only she hadn't expected him to ask his question.

"You haven't said yes yet."

She kept her eyes pinned on the door in front of her and chewed on her tongue for a moment. She had to think this through carefully. She'd love to have some time alone with Abby, discuss it with her, just an hour or so. Director Morrow had made it clear he wanted them on the road before the end of business that day. Though, for their team that could mean midnight, she knew he meant 6pm. She had no doubt he was currently making the arrangements, their living space, cars, luggage and furniture and whatever else needed to be done. The only thing he didn't know was who was going. Kate, being the only woman on the team was a sure thing, but if she ended up with Gibbs as a husband instead of Tony or McGee was another thing altogether.

"I haven't made up my mind yet," she said wondering if she'd hesitated too long before answering him. Gibbs moved around to stand in her view and Kate looked up at him. "Why did you pick me?"

"On the top three teams, there are only two female agents," Gibbs said, shifting his stance. "She's five years younger than you, and only half as pretty."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Gibbs. Is this how you ended up divorced so many times?"

He smirked at her and it set her heart fluttering.

"Most of my ex-wives couldn't handle the fact that I didn't talk about my emotions."

"Yet you managed to say 'I love you', and 'will you marry me' to each of them."

"Yep," he said nonchalantly. "And I'd probably do it again, only now I'm looking for someone who can handle me for me. Like you."

Both her brows shot up. Had he just hinted that he'd like to marry her? She could feel her cheeks tint and she looked away before licking her lips. Now he really needed to talk to Abby.

"What will it take to convince you to do this with me?"

"Give me time," she said turning back to see him smiling at her. She checked her watch. "Give me an hour or two with Abby and I'll make my choice in time for whoever to get their new ID."

Gibbs reached back and hit the stop button to get the elevator moving again before turning to face her. He kept his eyes on hers, forcing her to keep his gaze for a moment before he leaned in close to her ear.

"It'll be over faster with me."

Gibbs turned into their street and slowed down to start hunting for their door number. She gazed out the window, not really helping him, and watched the houses go strolling past. Yet another new neighbourhood - another new home and more new friends to make. It was only three hours from their last location, but she felt as though she'd been sitting in the car with him for the last three days. He turned off the road and came to a stop in front of the garage door before turning to her.

"You okay?" he asked. She could hear the genuine concern in his voice, but that just made her move agree with him. This was his fault; he could have sent McGee with the other female agent and left it at that.

"Sure," she said getting out the car and opening the boot to grab their bags.

She dumped the on the step when she realised he had the door key and turned to look at him, still sitting in the car watching her. She knew she was over reacting; she was mostly to blame for this. Abby had just listened as she talked her way into this whole mess, giving a supportive word here and there about what would be better and a snide comment about what a fake marriage with Tony DiNozzo would be like. She'd though of getting him to send McGee and the other woman, but the Directors first comment kept bouncing around in her head. "I said bring the two agents you trust most."

"Max," she said slipping easily into his fake name. "It's cold out here."

"You could have stayed in the car for a few minutes, Issy," he said getting out as one of the neighbours pulled up. Kate's hand came up to her forehead and she could feel the frustration building quickly to tears. His phone started ringing as she thought them back and looked up, the neighbour nearby waved at her and gave a half hearted smile in returned before taking the key from Gibbs.

"Walker," he said answering his phone as she slipped the key in the door. "When?" he asked and she caught the hint of annoyance.

She vanished into the house and dropped the bags at the foot of the stairs before making her way into the nearest room. She heard the door shut and closed herself off to the rest of his conversation as she took in the fully furnished sitting room, as lovely as that was, like all the other places, it lacked character, feeling more like a hotel room than someone's home. That just made her feel worse. Gibbs' hand on her shoulder made her jump and she turned to see him looking sombre and a little afraid.

"He escaped, didn't arrive at the new location," he said. The guy's next location should have been two streets away from them. "We have to stay here until they find him."

The frustrated sigh was unavoidable, so was the tear that escaped down her left cheek. She dropped her head and thought them back, managing it long enough to ask her question.

"How long will that take?"

"They don't know," Gibbs said and she heard him swallow through the proximity. "Could be a few days, weeks, months," he paused again knowing the next sentence would hurt. She could feel him looking for a better way to say it. "Director says we should be prepared to be here for at least a year."

Isabel and Max Walker. That was who they were at the moment. Caitlin Todd and Jethro Gibbs were no more and their families only knew that they were currently in undisclosed locations. She couldn't contact them, couldn't let them know she was alright, but that was only half her pain and a year with Gibbs pretending to be his wife was one step back from having a family of her own.

She felt the pinch in hear heart, the yearn that had been growing in the pit of her stomach for the last year. She wasn't getting younger and her chances of having children had been ebbing slowly away, until now. The bastard escaped and she was stuck here, with a man she was in love with who could never look at her as anything more than a trusted college. She was Agent Todd to him, playing the part of his wife Isabel Walker for the next year.

She didn't look up, just turned away from him and stepped over the bags at the bottom of the stairs. She found the bedroom quickly and dropped down on the bed before letting the tears go. This was a nightmare. It was supposed to be easy, over within a few weeks. Just follow him, catch him in the act of selling the information. Simple. Except that they had followed him for four months and he had shown no interest in selling the information he had and now he'd managed to escape the people tracking him. She was going to kill him when they found him, take his life in replacement for hers that he was now screwing up.


Gibbs watched her go with a pang in his heart. This wasn't the first time she'd been reduced to tears over the last couple of weeks and frankly he couldn't blame her, this was meant to be over long ago and he was sure she'd lost a boyfriend in the mix of this. She go back to find he'd given up waiting for her and she'd be heartbroken after finally getting to relax. He knew Kate was strong; she'd lasted longer than he suspected anyone else would have under these conditions. Living only a few weeks in one place, having to tell lies to everyone they met and never making any real friends.

He knew they had to talk about this, figure out how they were going to survive a year like this. But she needed to calm down first or he'd only end up with her shouting at him for getting her stuck here. He also needed to check on her, make sure she hadn't gone to the extremes and was literally drowning her sorrows, in every sense of the phrase. He grabbed the bags she'd left at the bottom of the stairs and quietly made his way up the stairs. He followed her sobs to the master bedroom and carefully placed the bags down on the floor and stepped up to the side of the bed. She was on her front on it, her head face buried in the pillow and her arms tucked under it to hold it close. He could hear the pain in every sob she let out and watched her body shake with the effort to breathe properly.

Convinced she wasn't going to hurt herself for the next half an hour or so, Gibbs left the room and wondered around the house. He took in the layout, the placement of furniture and hiding places for weapons and people before heading down the basement. He'd check them out in every house, but hadn't been in one place long enough to build a boat. The director would call back soon, tell him how long they were going to stay put for and if it was going to be a year or more he was going to build a boat, even if he couldn't get it out later.

It was damp down there, but the space was large enough for a small boat with a space in the corner he planned to set up for Kate. She could do whatever she liked with it, but he'd start of by getting her art supplies and seeing if her creative streak could bring her out of her current reverie. That thought reminded him that Kate had been drawing when they started their journey; her sketchbook was on the back seat of the car where she'd thrown it when the sinking sun had made it too dark for her to see. He moved back up the stairs, picked up his keys and stepped outside to the car.

The neighbour they had seen when they arrived was still out unloading what looked like a year's supply of groceries. A toddler of about four followed her back to the car and she paused when she spotted him.

"Well hello there," she called to him. Gibbs smiled. "You just moved in? That place has been empty for so long I thought I'd never get a new neighbour."

"Yeah, don't know how long we'll be here though," Gibbs said, his smile still in place.

"Oh, you move a lot?" she asked.

"Yeah, my work takes me all over the places," he took another step forward, close enough now that he could actually see her face in the half light. "Max Walker." He offered his hand for her to shake and she moved forward to take it.

"Penny Alecson. I don't mean to be rude, but when I saw you a few minutes ago, I thought you were younger."

"I get that a lot," he said. "That and the question, 'how did you end up with a beautiful younger wife?'"

"Oh wow, now I feel bad, I didn't even think she was your wife. I don't know what I thought, but wife wasn't it. Is she okay? She didn't look too happy."

"Yeah, it'll pass, she's not used to travelling so much, we've moved seven times in the last five months." That had to be the only true thing he could say.

"Yeah, I wouldn't like to do that much travelling. Not sure I'd agree to it either," she said patting the little girls head. "Well if you need anything, just knock," she offered with a smile.

"There is one thing," he said before she turned away. "Is there anywhere nearby I can order dinner from?"

Penny laughed. "I'll get you a flyer," she said and grabbed a few bags before vanishing into the house.

Gibbs used the time she was gone to collect Kate sketchbook from the back seat and look either way down the street studying the houses he could see. Penny handed him the flyer, said her goodbyes and grabbed the last of her bags. Her door closed as his phone rang again and he pulled it out and looked at the number. Director Morrow.

"Walker," he answered and listened to the instructions for his life as he moved back inside.

Hanging up the phone with a dead sense of doom in his heart, Gibbs flipped open Kate's sketchbook and grinned at the first picture. It was Abby, standing at her computer in the lab, one foot hooked back and a cup of Caf-Pow in hand. Turning the page he found McGee sitting at his computer, bottom lip pouted and hair neat and tidy as he tapped away at the keyboard. Over the page he found Ducky and Palmer in the middle of an autopsy, Ducky was obviously talking and from the look on Palmers face, he had drifted off to some other fantasy for the duration. Tony was next, his smirk clean across his face as he took aim with a paper ball in McGee's direction.

The next page made him stop. She must have drawn this one their first day out, the house in the background was the same one they'd spent three weeks in. She stood on the front lawn with him close behind her, they smiled out of the picture as if it were a photograph taken on a sunny day. As he studied the picture, he took in small details, his hands on her hips, the way she leaned in to him and the carefully placed hand on his thigh, the hand that held her wedding ring.

He turned again to find them sitting in the kitchen, breakfast on the table, coffee brewing on the counter and she watched him as he read the paper. Then there were various places, shopping, sitting on the swing in the garden, him changing for bed or sat watching the TV.

Then he found the last page.

Gibbs was sat up in bed, shifted over to one side, where Kate leaned back against him. His eyes were fixed over her shoulder and hers down in to the cradle of her arms were she held a small baby against her breast. The detail of the picture made him swallow. She'd drawn his silly grin, the baby's small hand, her still swollen stomach were one of his hands rested and even the areola around her engulfed nipple. But it was the tear down her left cheek that caught his eye the most. This was what Kate Todd desired the most, this was what she'd been drawing when they started their journey. And now that he saw it, he wondered if this had been what made her so quiet, the want she thought she could never have. He had been sure at one point on the trip that she'd been crying, but when she'd turned to look at him, there were no tears. He was positive she had cried now and had somehow managed to wipe the tears away before turning to him.

They were stuck here, minimum of one year.

He looked up and fixed his eyes on the television, his reflexion looked old and grey. But he didn't feel old, he didn't feel as though his time had passed and he knew the only reason he hadn't had another child after Kelly was because he was afraid of losing more children. Kate wouldn't let it happen, she was sharp, quick on her feet and quick to respond to danger, she'd protect herself, him, Tony, McGee, Abby and anyone she loved with her life. It was what she was trained to do. But if her own child became endangered she wouldn't hesitated to do what was needed. He could trust her with that. And he'd be there this time; he wouldn't be sent away to some half-assed war. He'd be with her, no more than half an hour's drive away.

He folded the sketchbook back, keeping it open at the page with the baby and got up. The walk up the stairs seemed like a lifetime's journey with his heart beating wildly in his throat. He could do this, he could tell her the truth, tell her why he wanted to do this mission with her, why he trusted her so much and above all, what he wanted now.

He stepped into the bedroom to find Kate still laying face down on the bed, she hadn't moved an inch, but she had stopped crying. He thought for a moment that she'd cried herself to sleep and he placed the sketchbook down on the bedside before sitting down next to her prone body.

"I wanna go home, Gibbs," she said. Her voice muffled by the pillow and tinted with sadness. He shifted, lying down on the bed beside her as he had done for the last four months.

"If we go home, the entire mission is a bust and he gets away."

"I don't care," she said and picked up the pang of regret. She didn't mean it; she was just tired and frustrated. He heard her take several deep breathes to control her emotions before she turned her head to face him. "How long are we here for?"

"One year minimum," he told her. There was no point drawing it out, avoiding telling her and hoping she'd forget. She dropped her head back on the pillow, this time facing him, and let out an annoyed sigh. "We can get through this," he offered. "We can find common ground, things to do, jobs if we like. Or we can just spend our days leeching off the government's money and do whatever we please."

Kate chuckled and for a moment her eyes closed. He took this as his moment and turned to pick up her sketchbook. He flicked through the last pages, just to make her open her eyes. It worked, her eyes flew open at the familiar sound, but he managed to catch sight of another drawing on the last page. He didn't look at it though, concentrating instead on the picture of her with the baby.

"I usually look through your sketchbook when I send you and Tony off somewhere," he admitted and looked down at her to catch the flicker of fear. "Never figured you'd hide pictures at the back," he added flipping to the back to study the picture of their fake wedding day. He spotted a small "1" smudged into the corner and furrowed his brow for a second before turning back to the picture of them standing in front of a house. He picked out the "2" before flicking through. He hadn't paid much attention on the first round, now, as he picked out the numbers, he picked out something else. Kate was pregnant. The picture with the baby was numbered "8". Where you pregnant on our wedding day?" he asked, knowing she'd watched him study the pictures.

Kate turned her head away from him, before whispering, "Yes."

Gibbs dropped the sketchbook back on the side and turned onto his side and shifted up against hers. He hesitated before running his hand across her shoulders and down her back. He stopped his hand at the dip, before her back curved up to her backside.

"A year isn't that long," he whispered, knowing she wouldn't take that the right way. "Especially when trying for a baby."

Kate's head shot around to look at him. "Mocking me won't help."

Nothing he could say at this point would convince her that he wasn't mocking her, he'd learned from all his wives that arguing was a pointless action, but actions always won. He leaned into her, pressing his lips against her ear.

"I'm not mocking," he breathed. "I want it." He felt her lashes against his cheek as her eyes closed and she took a shuddering deep breath beneath him. He moved his hand again, moving back up her spine under her t-shirt. "I have a few confessions."

Kate shifted turning into him as she moved onto her side, his hind slipped up over her side. It would only take a slight move for him to cup her breast, but he resisted, at least for the moment.

"I picked you because I wanted to play house," he said. "I picked you because I wanted to think we could act like a couple in every respect. I couldn't bring myself to touch you, afraid of losing you when this was all over. I was already in love with you."

He picked that moment to slip his hand down over her stomach and he felt her body shudder and struggle to breathe as the emotions swooped down over her body. There was no turning back now, he was going to have a child with her, he'd practically promised with the last sentence.

"I want to give you what you want," he breathed, his lips once again on her ear and he waited, for her to compose herself enough to turn her face up to him and kiss him.

He didn't hesitate, didn't want to rethink this plan. Didn't want to question his reasons for what he said or did from this point on, he wanted her. She was beautiful fully dressed and he had no delusions that she would be any different naked except that he would be honoured with the sight of her skin, soft and smooth, her body taunt from the work outs she always put herself through. He moved his hand up, feeling her hum into his mouth as he headed for his first goal. Her skin prickled with goose bumps as he moved closer to her breasts and paused, more to tease himself than to tease her, to run his fingers along the skin just below her bra.

When he finally moved his hand up to cup her, he found her nipple already tight and peaking through the lacy material. He tweaked at the perk, trying to concentrate on toeing off his shoes until Kate's hand covered his, the material of her t-shirt sandwiched between them.

"What happens when we go back?" she asked. "When this is all over?"

"I don't know," he said, "but I won't let you go."

She turned a little more in his arms, and his let his hand fall back to her stomach and up over her other side as she studied him. He knew she was seeking the truth, wondering if he could honestly be this loving, this caring. He knew she'd found her answer when her hands pressed against his shoulder and he let her guide him onto his back on the bed. He raised a brow when she straddled him, knees hugging tight to his hips, trapped by her skirt as she adjusted to having him beneath her.

She kissed him, a slow teasing kiss that never passed beyond their lips before sitting back. Her skirt rode up and he let his hands drop down onto her bared thighs. At some point between dropping onto the bed and his return with her sketchbook, she'd removed her boot. Boots that had driven him crazy since she brought them two homes back, knee length suede, with a pattern of butterflies up the outsides. They laced up the front with thin, dark blue laces and she always wore dark blue socks that covered her knees, stopping just short of her thighs. Now though, she was just wearing the socks, and he amused himself for just a moment with the edges of them, slipping a finger underneath the material.

He was distracted though, Kate had moved, shifting her knees apart just a little more to raise the skirt and he caught a glimpse of light blue lace panties. He licked his lips as his eyes rose up over her stomach and he followed the slowly revealing skin as she lifted the t-shirt up over her head. Never in his twisted brain had he ever expected this. Kate was every bit as beautiful as he expected and her curves, muscles and skin tone made him react in seconds. He knew about matching underwear, what man didn't, but underwear to match boots? That was new. The lace bra was patterned with butterflies, the design not a direct match to the boots, but pretty damn close. He stole a glance back down to the light blue peaking out under her skirt and quickly compared it to her bra. Matching underwear to go with her boots.

He couldn't resist running his hands up her thighs and pushing the skirt out of the way. His eyes fixed on the butterfly placed perfectly in his view to hide her sex. He surged up, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back down onto the bed underneath him. Her legs wrapped tight around him and he pressed down with the length of his body.

"Can't handle me being on top?" she whispered, slightly breathless.

"Didn't want to give you the opportunity to escape," he corrected. "I let one dangerous person go. I can't let you get away."

"I'm not dangerous."

"New boots and butterfly panties over your body?" he asked, pressing his groin into hers and revelling in the moan she let out. "You're far too dangerous."

She could only grin at him seductively, her hands fisted in his shirt and a twinkle in her eyes that told him she'd been hoping for him to catch her in them.

"Far too dangerous," he breathed, before moving into steal a kiss. He snaked a hand down her back as his lips moved down her neck. As much as he liked the butterflies the places they covered were far better and he wanted to see her drawings of herself were accurate. IT only took one flick to unclasp the back of her bra and he managed to pull it off and sling it across the room in a single swift move. He felt his shirt shift up as he moved down her body to wrap his lips around her nipple and he closed his eyes and swirled his tongue around the tip listening to the music of her moans.

She tugged at his shirt, wanting to remove it and he had pulled back enough to let her take it from him before he moved to her other breast and then down her body. Shirtless and his pants feeling extremely tight, Gibbs shifted down her stomach, placing delicate kisses as he moved down the bed. He unhooked the button of her skirt and pulled the zipper down slowly before tugging it over the hips to be deposited on the floor. Gibbs placed a single kiss on her thigh before looking back up her body. Socks up passed her knees and light be butterfly panties, he'd keep her this way forever if possible, walk her down the street for every man to see. She was his and she'd be the death of him if all her underwear was this sexy. He was starting to get a thing for butterflies, as it was he'd never be able to see one without thinking of her like this.

He shifted and his eyes caught a slight tint of red under the blue lace. Curious he slipped his fingers under the top of her underwear and pulled it down just slightly. He huffed out a laugh, thinking of the tease he could play with Tony for knowing what and where Kate's tattoo was. She hadn't lied to him complete. It was a rose, a red rose to be exact, resting on her hip. Resisting the urge was a pointless exercise at this moment in time. His tongue screamed for more tastes of her flesh and he couldn't stop himself from ducking down and kissing the flower before running the rough of his tongue over it. The panties would have to go, there was no away around it, but he'd be damned if he was letting her take off the socks. Every man's schoolgirl fantasy involved long socks and a short pleated skirt. He'd gotten half of the fantasy; he'd have to work on the rest.

Slowly, again teasing himself more than her, Gibbs slipped her panties over her hips. He had to stop himself from sinking in, quenching his thirst and running his tongue through her sex lips. He could wait, just a little longer for that privilege; he'd get there soon enough. He had to repeat that in his head as he pulled the light blue panties down her thighs, over her socks and off her feet. His cock tightened and he got up and impatiently undid his belt and pants before shoving them hastily down to his ankles. He barely stepped out of them before he was back on the edge of the bed, a thigh in each hand and his mouth over her sex.

Kate had sat up when he'd stood, and he'd watched her eyes fix on his mid rift as his hands works. She'd eyed him in the few seconds it had taken him to make a start on his own clothing. He hadn't registered at the time the licking of her lips as he shoved his pants down and barely took in the sound of her dropping back on the bed as he started to draw his tongue up her slit from her entrance to her clit. He listened to her moaning; panting and pleading as he licked away every drop of moisture she created and replaced it with his own, her thighs trembling in his hands and her hips attempting to push up closer to him. It only lasted a few minutes before he had to stop for a breather and he pulled one hand away from her leg to massage himself as he took in the sight of her spread on the bed her chest and cheeks flushed with heat and her breasts rising with each breath she took. None of his wives had had this effect on him. Not one of them had driving him made with an underwear set or pair of boots.

He slid his other hand up her thigh to brush against her clit and she rolled instantly. He moved at the same time, not expecting her to turn over on the bed and he found himself on the bed behind her. Kate didn't seem to mind, instead of protesting she snaked an arm back around his head to vanish into the short hairs on his neck. She lifted her hips up and shifted back on the bed, closer to him before using the other hand to grasp his erection in her hand. He thrust up into her palm, the touch unexpected and extremely soft.

He wrapped his arms around her, one hand flat against her stomach and the other resting on her thigh. He had to drop his head as she positioned him at her entrance and latched his lips onto her neck as she sank slowly onto him. The first time her muscles twitched he had to squeeze his eyes shut, had to focus on anything but what he was currently doing. The hand on her thigh dropped down to her ankle he idly rubbed the material over her ankle bone as she adjusted.

She let out a small sigh as she sat back fully on him, her hips rocking just slightly as he hummed against her skin. His brain was fuzzed, he couldn't have strung a sentence together if he tried, the only thing he could think was how wonderful she felt and one simple, wonderful fact. She had no birth control, she hadn't been given any pills and they hadn't had sex before now, she there were no condoms in the house. Her muscles flexed and he realised it had been years since he'd gone without a rubber, it felt glorious. 'Condom's should be banned', was the last thing he managed to think before Kate lifted her hips and dropped back on him. She repeated the move, before huffing in frustration, the hand he hand on her stomach limited her movements and he'd be an idiot if he let her stop now.

He pulled his hand away, placing it on her hip and sitting back slightly to watch as she started to rock on him. The movement was too much and it only lasted a second before she picked up and dropped on him again thrusting on him. She leaned forward slightly and let out a long groan at the change of angle, when she lifted up again he brushed the perfect spot inside her and she dropped forwards bracing herself on her hands as she panted through the sensation. He moved his hand from her hip, running up her back to press between her shoulder blades as he push his hips forward so she was on all fours.

He didn't want her like this, it seemed horrible to him, a bad way to take her on their first time, but he also didn't want to pull out. He was too far gone, needing to thrust and hear her moan, needing to pump until she screamed her orgasm and he could feel her muscles pulse around him.

She was seriously going to be the death of him.

Gibbs leaned forward, resting his cheek on her back as his hips started to move with a mind of their own. She helped him, thrusting back against him and picking up an incoherent moan with each thrust against each other. He closed his eyes, revelling in the sound of her, unleashed and wild with pleasure as she slowly, dangerously slowly tightened around him. It took a lot of effort to pick one hand up off the bed and flatten it against her stomach. Remind them both why they were doing this, they wanted to have a baby together.

He picked up the pace and listened as Kate's moans dropped to hard breathing with the occasional gargle as she tried to say something. He didn't let her get the words out. Instead, he moved his hand down her belly until he could drift it through the patch of hairs and the apex of her sex and brush his fingers over her clit.

She cried out, her body shuddering and her internal muscles flexing on his length as she came, hard. She lost her balance and dropped down to the bed, his hand on her hip and still teasing her clit the only things keeping her on her knees as she kept thrusting. It wasn't until she breathed his name that he came, pushing deep into her and using both hands to keep her hips firmly against him. He squeezed his eyes closed so hard that when he opened them and took a breath he was seeing spots.

Kate relaxed down and he carefully lowered her onto the bed as he pulled out, the cool air of the room washing over him like a bad reminder of the time of year. Winter wasn't too far away. He dropped onto the bed beside her and waited as she turned to face him and snuggled close before dropping his arm over her hip.

"So," he said, looking down into her eyes as she drifted a hand over his chest. "What would you like for dinner?"

"That wasn't the main course?" she asked coyly. Gibbs chuckled before reaching behind him and picking up the menu Penny had given him.

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thing-a-thon 2008

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