Springtime Can Be Rough by soccerbear11a

May 21, 2010 11:26

Title: Springtime Can Be Rough
Character(s): Tony, mention of Gibbs, Abby, Ziva, and Ducky
Pairing(s): As Applicable
Genre(s): Gen
Word Count: 563

Its springtime and everything is kind of quiet. As I was sitting in my chair wondering what to do, maybe torment Ziva, as Gibbs walks in and says “grab your gear.” I was up on my so fast Gibbs didn’t even have time to say where we were going. As we were going to the elevator Gibbs told us that we had a dead guy in the park and a possible kidnap of his two kids. I went in to the basement and started up the truck and met them around over at the front.

Our case was in the park on a patch of pansies. The dead guy in the pansy patch was Dylan Parker and has two young kids. We tried to find the kids, but no one had seen the, two and five year old. We took Dylan back to Ducky’s autopsy to see what Dylan could tell Ducky. Abby felt sorry for the guy, because his kids were kidnapped and she thinks he died while trying to protect his kids. Ducky’s report said that he had fought back, that pretty much makes her theory true. Abby loves to piece things together and try to figure things out and I think she had this one down really good. Poor Abby though, she loves kids and hates it when they are in danger. She was thinking even if we do save those kids they are going to remember this forever and they also probably saw the kidnappers kill their dad. I reassured her that we would get the kids back alive, she looked at me like ‘how do you know that’ type looks. So I told her to get back to her work and we would have the kids back in no time.

As far as we know the kids are still alive. We’re trying to solve the murder of Dylan and hopefully just a kidnapping and not two more murders. Because we all hate to not solve a kidnap and it ends badly and the kids are murdered.

Gibbs was very frustrated that we couldn’t find these kids and the murderer. We finally got in touch with the mother that was very worried about what would happen to her kids. We brought her in and said what we know and asked her if she knew anyone that would want to ‘hurt‘ her or her children in anyway. She had her cell phone with her in her pocket book and the phone started ringing. She got the phone out of her pocket book and answered it, it was the kidnappers wanting to tell her the ransom. They wanted ten thousand dollars and wanted it at an abandoned warehouse in three day or the kids die.

We gathered everyone we could find and made a plan on how to get the kids. When we got at the warehouse we made a little surprise by getting everyone surrounding it and went in at the same time and disarmed the kidnappers. We get the kidnapper and the kids alive.

At the beginning of this day I wanted a case really badly, and usually I’m ok with murders and kidnappings separately but together it’s very sad. Especially when the one who died is the father of the kids who were kidnapped. Those kids are now scarred for life and now have no dad.

Happy spring.

author: soccerbear11a

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