I think this is my first post in this comm, although I've gushed commented a few times on the wonderful fic to be found here. I'm still pretty new to NCIS and my resulting affection for all things Gibbs/Ducky. *waves hello
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I love these screencaps. I have been looking for a picture to use for the cover of the zine BOLO #3. May I use one of these? I don't want to lift it without your permission? I can credit you if you wish.
Please feel free to use any of them! I'm glad they came in handy. And now, you must tell me of this wonderful zine that you mentioned! I am completely uninitiated. :)
ah - I have two zines coming out in May. One is featuring Ducky, Abby and Jimmy and has a fair amount of Gibbs/Ducky slash in it. Ashley Pitt, YumYumPM and Ashleigh Anpilova will be some of the authors. The other is a crossover, a sequel to Ducky's Pain. I don't have the new zines on the website, but you can see prior issues here. Both will run about 65 pages I think and be priced accordingly. http://www.geocities.com/carriagehillpress/
As it turns out, we won't be using the picture on the cover - my artist had already found something. However, I'd still like to use them as illustrations inside the zine. They are really lovely.
Comments 6
Hi there, welcome to the comm and all things Gibbs/Ducky.
Oooh. I shall toddle over to the link - LJD is my favourite episode.
Thank you for all the goodness.
So many lovely screencaps from one of my all time favorite episodes.
Both will run about 65 pages I think and be priced accordingly.
I'll have them on the website later this week.
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