Below are the pairings and categories for the NCIS Awards 2010. It will be updated with links to the appropriate posts once nominations open, and then later again, when voting opens.
read the rules before nominating/voting.
NCIS (original)
♦ Abby/McGee [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/Abby [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/Ducky [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/Kate [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/Tony [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/Ziva [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Tony/McGee [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Tony/Ziva [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Jenny/Kort [
voting ]
♦ Tony/Abby [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/Hollis Mann [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/Jenny [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/McGee [
voting ]
♦ Gibbs/Fornell [
voting ]
♦ Rare het pairings [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Rare slash/femme slash pairings [
nominations ] [
voting ]
Each of the above has these categories:
• Best romance
• Best angst
• Best hurt/comfort
• Best humor
• Best AU/what if/fantasy
• Best post-ep/missing scene/episode tag
• Best first time Getting together fics
• Best established relationship
• Best PWP "Plot? What plot?"
• Best drabble stories can be 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 words; must be exactly that number of words
• Best other any stories that don't fit in the other categories
Non-pairing categories
♦ Best gen [
nominations ] [
voting ]
No pairings.
• Best angst
• Best hurt/comfort
• Best humor
• Best AU/What if/fantasy
• Best post-ep/missing scene/episode tag
• Best character study
• Best drabble
• Best other
♦ Best crossover [
nominations ] [
voting ]
Including crossovers between NCIS/NCIS:LA.
• Best angst
• Best hurt/comfort
• Best humor
• Best AU/What if/fantasy
• Best post-ep/missing scene/episode tag
• Best character study
• Best drabble
• Best other
♦ Best casefile [
nominations ] [
voting ]
Can include pairings or be gen but the case has to be the point. No subcategories.
♦ Best gen [
nominations ] [ voting: see non-slash ]
♦ Best slash [
nominations ] [
voting ]
♦ Best het [
nominations ] [ voting: see non-slash ]
♦ Best threesome [
nominations ] [ voting: see non-slash ]
♦ Best non-slash [
voting ]
No subcategories in NCIS: LA.