The big reveal - 2009 WINNERS!

Sep 01, 2009 20:18

Welcome to the Winners post!

Below the cut, you will find all the winners of the NCIS Awards 2009. There were a few ties, so some categories have more than one winner. Also note that Ziva/Jenny has no winner, because there were no votes in that pairing. For Tony/Ziva, I haven't yet received the banners from the mod in question. I will update the post once I've received them. Sorry for the delay!

A big congratulations to all the winners! Keep up the good work, making this fandom so fabulous. Please do stop by the authors and congratulate them, and then - if you haven't already - go read these fabulous stories. If you want to read the nominated stories, you can find the list here.

Thank you for participating in this year's NCIS Awards! Also, a great big thank you to the Awards Team mods and graphics makers - nakeisha, murgy31, karababe_64, astral_angel, luthien82, mistress_tien, nefertari_alita, meredith44, cold_ember_32 and webbgirl (I hope I didn't forget anyone - if I did, just say so!).

Readers, voters, nominees, mods and others alike - hope you've all enjoyed yourselves,

Ps. I hope all the links below the banners work - if not, just leave a comment.


"Bowled Over" by Demoka

Best Humor

“Rule 27” by LJC

Best Drabble

“Heartache” by Periwinkle27

Best Triple Drabble

"Alibi" by Ami Ven

Best Other

"For All The Good Times" by Ren

Best Post Ep - TIE!

"Scarlet Secrets" by Chirugal

"Made to be broken" by Driftingatdusk

Best Romance

"Stood Up" by ncis_love

Best other - TIE!

"Acta Est Fabula" by Chirugal

"Elemental" by driftingatdusk

Best Romance

“Friends Make The Best Lovers” by Ashleigh Anpilova

Best Angst - THREE-WAY TIE

“My Son's Boyfriend” by Ashleigh Anpilova

“The Crash” by Lorlee

“Where You Lead I Will Follow” by Willow

Best Humor

“What Did You Do For Lunch?” by Adrianna Coylho

Best AU

“To Those Who Wait” by Ashleigh Anpilova

Best Post-Ep

“Dulce Et Decorum” by CausticQuery

Best Drabble

“Next Year” by Lonely Walker

Best Double Drabble

“What Abby Saw” by Ashley Pitt

Best Triple Drabble

“Adesse” by CausticQuery

Best Romance

"Coffeeshop" by Fairwinds09

Best Angst

"Transparent" by B. Cavis

Best Humor

"Germs" by IPandaz

Best AU

"The Floods Cannot Drown It" by Rainne

Best What if

"Moving On" by Sammie28

Best fantasy

"The Good Honeymoon Guide" by Heimedall

Best episode tag

"Only The Good Die Young" by Sammie28

Best Angst

"Damage" by Xanthe

Best What If

"Ten Years On" by Xanthe

Best Romance

"The Second B is for Belonging" by Juli

Best Post-Ep/Missing

"Struggling for Balance" by Weighted Scales

Best AU

"Hiding in Plain Sight" by Xanthe

Best Humor

"Tony's Dry Spell" by Xanthe

Best Fantasy

"Sensing Evil" by Lady Ra

Best Angst

"The Evening's End" by Ravenari

Best Post-Ep/Missing Scene/Episode Tag

"Two Hardened Hearts" by Ravenari

Best Romance

"Black Orchid" by Zabby

Best Other

"Desperate Measures" by Rainne

Best Romance

"Welcome Home" by yayqueenrudi

Best Other

"The Gift of a Hippo" by pygmymuse

Best Angst

"Her Ruin" by hotelsugar

Best Romance

"Slices of a Life Worth Living" by Angelus1

Best Angst

"Loving Him" by Bananacosmic

Best Romance

"Conversations" by Bananacosmic

Best Humor

"These things do happen" by xparrot

Best Angst - TIE!

"Believe Again" by Montana Rosalie


"Falling through space" by KayleighBough

Best Romance

"Step Up" by Kerrison

Best Other

"Too Late" by Rigil Kent

THREESOMES - astral_angel

“Nothing Vanilla” by Taylor Gibbs [Gibbs/Abby/DiNozzo]


"Gigolo" by Kikkimax

"What Lies Beneath" by Laine3112

Best Angst - TIE!

"Smarter Not Harder" by Amber-Chick

The Sweater" by Richefic

Best Drabble

"Darkness At Last" by Karababe_64

Best Humor

"The One Where Tony and Tim Read Fanfiction" by Xanthe

Best Other

"The Widening Gyre" by Donutsweeper

Best Post-ep/Missing Scene/Tag

"One He Gained and One He Didn't Want" by Kaylashay81

Best Angst

"Shades of Love" by The Tenth Muse [Crossover fandom: The West Wing]

Best Romance

"Chaos Theory" by Rainne [Crossover fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer]

Best Other

"Hiding In Plain Sight" by xanthe [Crossover fandom: Stargate Atlantis]


Best Angst

“Uncertain” by Taylorgibbs [Gibbs/McGee]

Best Romance - TIE!

“Comfort and Joy” by Ashley Pitt [Gibbs/Fornell]

“An Old Fashioned Gentleman” by slash4femme [Ducky/Fornell]

Best Other

“Spilled Coffee” by gyoro & lawpup [Gibbs/McGee]

“Regrets” by donutsweeper [Abby/Kate]

Best What If

"Company Man" by Rainne [Kate/Ari]

Best Post Ep

"The Bachelor and The Bobbysoxer" by PhilLeeGirl [Tony/Maddie Tyler]

Best Romance - TIE!

"A Life Dissected" by B.Cavis [Kate/Ari]

"The Bachelor and The Bobbysoxer" by PhilLeeGirl [Tony/Maddie Tyler]

Best Other

"The Bachelor and The Bobbysoxer" by PhilLeeGirl [Tony/Maddie Tyler]

2009: winners

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