Posting Schedule for 2017 NCIS Big Bang/Multi-Bang

Sep 24, 2017 17:14

Important notice to participants:
As some of you know, your friendly mod has surgery scheduled for 10/10 and will be at the hospital for at least 1-2 days. Once I come home, I'm not sure how soon I will feel up to sitting at the computer. Although I do not anticipate any issues during this time, if you have questions while I am away, please review the FAQs, and feel free to contact rose_malmaison or naemi.

Sign-ups for the 2018 NCIS Reverse Bang will begin after all the Big Bang stories have been posted.

Posting Schedule:

Artists should send at least a rough draft of their artwork to the authors by 30 Sept for review.


Week One:

9 Mon - Taking A Chance by jacie3, Artist ext_4226592
10 Tues - Inevitable Conclusion by penumbria_fics, Artist ext_4226592
11 Weds - Changing Direction by ext_4215084, Artist penumbria_fics
12 Thurs - ...I'll Forgive by ext_4226592, Artist Red_Pink_Dots
13 Fri - Listen to My Heart by Jane_x80, Artist Red_Pink_Dots

Week Two:

15 Sun - Intimacy by webroadwaybaby, Artist musichick2004
16 Mon - Secret? What Secret? by musichick2004, Artist banbury
18 Weds - The Days We Break by Honor_Reid, Artist pe1804
19 Thurs - Promises by cutsycat, Artist Red_Pink_Dots
20 Fri - Duplicity by elbeeinthewild, Artist hinky-hippo
21 Sat - When the past meets the present by dont_hate_me01, Artist sexycazzy

Posting Guidelines:

  • You must be a member of the community to be given posting access. Please check on the profile page and make sure you have joined and are listed as a member.
  • Typically the Author makes the master post to the community. The Author and Artist are both allowed to post on their scheduling date. This is completely optional. It is perfectly fine to only have one post.
  • Authors may post one piece of artwork in their master post along with the story links (and can post all of the available art, or as much as they want, with the story).
  • Artists may create a separate art post, with one piece of art showing, on the assigned posting date. If there is additional artwork for the story, the additional artwork can be placed behind an LJ cut and/or can be linked. Artists are also welcome to include the story links if they would like.
  • You may make your master post to LJ, DW or both as long as it is on your scheduled posting date.
  • Post only on your scheduled date, your time zone (any time on that date is fine).
  • It is entirely up to you as to where you post your stories and artwork, LJ, DW, AO3, etc. It is also fine to post in multiple locations.
  • Do not link locked posts. Please note, if you do not accept anonymous comments, you may be missing out on some feedback.
  • You may post a locked post to ensure everything is correct, but it may not be unlocked prior to your posting date and must be unlocked before your master post is made to the community.
  • The artwork and story may be posted together, separately, or both (meaning the art can be posted or linked with the story, but the artist is also allowed to post their art on their own site).
  • Artists, in the event that your Author is unable to complete their story in time to post, you are still welcome to post your artwork on your scheduled date.
  • It is okay to post a small teaser (3" x 5" or so is fine) or thumbnail to the community, however, if you are posting a larger piece of art, please put it behind an LJ cut. If artists are posting multiple pieces of art on a community post, only one should be viewable as a teaser, all others must be linked or placed behind an LJ cut.
  • If you post to AO3, you may link to our 2017 NCIS Big Bang AO3 Collection.
  • If you would like an AO3 invite please contact solariana at jacieleigh (at) gmail (dot) com with your email address.
  • We appreciate links back to the community/challenge!

Master Posts
Your master post is to include the following information:
  • Story title.
  • If the story is a crossover, please note that and the other fandom(s) involved.
  • Pairing(s). Please use the character's first or last name. (DiNozzo/Gibbs is acceptable, Tibbs is not.) Please use OC for an Original Character. If there are no pairings, please note that.
  • Ratings. You may use any system you like.
  • Length. Please note approximate word count. You may round up or down.
  • Spoilers. Please note if your story contains any spoilers for a certain season or episode.
  • Warnings. Please advise for normal warnings, i.e. non-con, the death of a major character, physical abuse, etc.
  • Summary. Please note a short description of your story.
  • It is appropriate to list/thank your beta and artist.
  • Links to your story/chapters and links to the artwork (if posted separately). If you post your story/artwork in multiple locations (i.e. both LJ and AO3) you are welcome to link to each post/location.
  • Your master post may include small artwork teasers. Larger art should be linked and/or posted behind an LJ cut.


Authors, it is perfectly fine if your title or word count changes prior to posting. If you would like to change your summary, or if anything below is incorrect, please let me know.

Week One:

9 Mon -
Taking A Chance by jacie3, Artist ext_4226592
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: SLASH
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating: R
Length: 13,400
Warnings/Spoilers: Violence, injuries, crime scene, murder investigation. Spoiler for S1E19 Dead Man Talking.
The team catches a case that seems all too easy. There's a dead body, and a man still at the scene who admits to pulling the trigger. Gibbs' gut tells him that the case isn't going to be as simple as it seems. The team sets out to unravel what really happened. Meanwhile, Tony battles over his feelings for Gibbs.

10 Tues -
Inevitable Conclusion by penumbria_fics, Artist ext_4226592
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: SLASH
Pairing: Tony/Gibbs, Tony/Stan if you squint
Rating: PG 13/Teen
Length: 8,500
Warnings/Spoilers: is a sequel but can be read as a standalone
The storm that Jenny’s death started has hit and the flood waters are sweeping through NCIS. Tony and the remains of his team have to learn to swim before they drown.

11 Weds -
Changing Direction by ext_4215084, Artist penumbria_fics
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: SLASH
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Steve McGarrett
CROSSOVER: NCIS/Hawaii 5-0/Stargate
Rating: PG
Length: 17,000
Warnings/Spoilers: Doris McGarrett is dead, Ziva David bashing.
Tony DiNozzo is a latent guide and he's accepted that he will most likely never come online. He's content with the life he's made for himself working for the SGC. Then Steve McGarrett walks into his life and changes everything.

12 Thurs -
...I'll Forgive by ext_4226592, Artist Red_Pink_Dots
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: SLASH
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/OMC
Rating: PG-13
Length: 27,000
Warnings/Spoilers: pre-series, but spoilers for 8x22 Baltimore, and vague references to Tony's relationship with Wendy. Mentions of events around 9/11 which could be upsetting.
After the sudden end to his relationship with Wendy, someone from Tony's past resurfaces in an attempt to help and hopefully get Tony back in his life. Ethan's willing to work for it if there's a chance Tony can forgive him.

13 Fri -
Listen to My Heart by Jane_x80, Artist Red_Pink_Dots
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: SLASH
Pairing: Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs, past veeeery minor Anthony DiNozzo/Ziva David
Rating: NC-17
Length: 48,200
Warnings/Spoilers: s13e24 Family First and s11e2 Past, Present and Future
A re-telling of how Tony leaves NCIS. When the Davids' farmhouse is attacked and Ziva reported dead, Tony freaks out. Soon after Orli brings Tali to him, he and his daughter disappear. Gibbs finally makes some connections about Tony and Tali's paternity but by this time Tony is nowhere to be found, probably being hidden away by Mossad. Gibbs must come to terms with many things, along with the loss of his long-time Senior Field Agent and the circumstances that led up to Tony leaving NCIS and their lives.

Week Two:

15 Sun -
Intimacy by webroadwaybaby, Artist musichick2004
Link to Story and Artwork
Category: SLASH
Pairing: McGee/DiNozzo
Rating: M
Length: 13,250
Warnings/Spoilers: No spoilers. No Archive Warnings Apply.
It took time - and an unlikely prompt - for Tony DiNozzo and Tim McGee to realize what they meant to one another.

16 Mon -
Secret? What Secret? by musichick2004, Artist banbury
Link to Story and Artwork
Category: SLASH
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Gibbs/DiNozzo/Shannon
Rating: Explicit
Length: 40,600
Warnings/Spoilers: canon-based child/family loss
Tony DiNozzo was a college kid, living life to the fullest. Leroy Jethro Gibbs was a Marine working his way up the food chain and trying to stay under the radar. Shannon Fielding was writing lovely letters to her best friend giving the appearance of a long term relationship to keep him safe.
When Jethro writes to her about his new friend, she is excited to meet him. The three form an intense friendship, the boys even gift her with a simple band of gold nearly identical to their own, and Shannon agrees to carry their child.
Until the accident. The murder of the two people most precious to them. That's when it all falls apart. Years later, when Tony tackles his husband in an alley in Baltimore, he punches him square in the jaw before dragging him into the station. How the hell will they handle this? And why the hell did Gibbs offer Tony a job, after ten years of silence?

18 Weds -
The Days We Break by Honor_Reid, Artist pe1804
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: GEN
Pairing: none
Rating: Mature
Length: 44,400
Warnings/Spoilers: Sequel to my story Marching On. Warning for violence against a child, past neglect and abuse mentions
It has been a month since Timothy was abandoned by his mother and was sent to live with his father Leroy Jethro Gibbs. As Tim settles into his new life, he gets to know his new family, and makes his first friend. He is desperate to find his absent mother, this leads to a very dangerous confrontation.

12 Thurs -
Promises by cutsycat, Artist Red_Pink_Dots
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: GEN/SLASH
Pairing: Past Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
Rating: T
Length: 5260
Warnings/Spoilers: This is not a happy Gibbs/DiNozzo story and is told from Tony's POV.
What if Gibbs and Tony were together before Gibbs went to Mexico? How would that drive Tony's behavior? How would that change things with Jeanne, Jenny, Vance, etc. Just how does Tony handle it when Gibbs breaks the biggest promise of all to him?

20 Fri -
Duplicity by elbeeinthewild, Artist hinky-hippo
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: GEN
Pairing: N/A
Rating: (none provided)
Length: 31,600
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for Aliyah & Truth or Consequences. This story is an alternate version of events in Aliyah and Truth or Consequences. In the interest of full disclosure, it is not entirely canon-compliant (hence the AU label) and not Vance or Ziva friendly.
In the wake of events surrounding Michael Rivkin’s death and Ziva’s return to Israel, almost everyone has something to hide. Some do so out of misplaced guilt. Some also have noble reasons for doing so and others…well, not so much.

21 Sat -
When the past meets the present by dont_hate_me01, Artist sexycazzy
Link to Story
Link to Artwork
Category: SLASH
Pairing: Derek Morgan/Tony DiNozzo
CROSSOVER: NCIS/Criminal Minds
Rating: NC-17
Length: 62,500
Warnings/Spoilers: Major character death (not Tony); Rape and torture; Reference made to NCIS season 13.13 - Déjà Vu
When NCIS uncovers a human trafficking ring, Tony's past comes back with a vengeance. Between the danger of the past and the threat of the present, Tony’s life hangs in the balance. Although he trusts Gibbs with his life, there is only one person who will understand and who will be able to help. It was time to call the BAU, and it was time for Derek Morgan to come to the rescue.

big bang 2017, bb posting schedule

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