***Author signups closed on 1 June 2014.***
1) Your story must be based on NCIS characters. Cross overs and original characters are welcome.
2) Stories must be a minimum of 10,000 words. There is no maximum.
3) Gen, Het and Slash are all welcome, as are all ratings.
4) Stories must not be posted in part or in full prior to your scheduled posting date.
5) Stories must be beta'd.
6) If you miss the Artist Claims, you can still post your story without art or you may supply your own art.
***Author signups closed on 1 June 2014.***
To sign up, please copy and paste the information from the box below into a comment along with your information.
LJ username:Author name:Email where we can reach you: What genre are you most likely to write?:What pairing(s) are you most likely to include?: All participants are encouraged to join our Support Community:
ncis_discuss 2014 Schedule Community FAQs If you have other questions, feel free to ask!