Welcome to our 10th Anniversary NCIS Reverse Bang Challenge!
Artist Sign-Ups Close: Sunday, 31 December 2023
Artists can post up to three* separate pieces of artwork and prompts. You may create multiple pieces of art for the same prompt, but only one piece of artwork will be posted for the claim (although you can note there is additional companion artwork) for each prompt. Videos are welcome, but only stills can be posted for the claim. Artwork should be complete when submitted for the claim, although you may make changes after the story has been created. Artwork cannot have been previously posted outside of the challenge and cannot be offered to another author for use until this challenge has been completed and the master list has been posted.
*Artists who were late getting their finalized artwork to their author(s) in 2023 are limited to 1 artwork submission for 2024. If you're not sure if this means you, feel free to email the mod and I will be happy to discuss.
The art you submit for this challenge must be created by you. You may not submit someone else's artwork. Untouched or cropped downloaded photos are not acceptable submissions for art. Simply adding text to an otherwise untouched or cropped downloaded photo is also not acceptable. You must artistically alter the photo beyond adding text and cropping. Creating a collage is acceptable. Moderators may ask to see the originals that you worked from to determine whether your submission is acceptable or not.
You are required to stay in touch with any Authors who claim your artwork. By participating in this challenge, someone else is depending on you. It's not fair to drop out of communication and leave them with no idea of what happened to you. If you fail to respond to your Author or the moderator within a reasonable amount of time, you may be banned from future challenges at mod's discretion. You are expected to send the completed artwork to the author by 30th April. If you don't have a title by then, you can use "Story by (author's name)".
Minimum Communication Expectations:
1) After the claims - Within 1 week of the matchup post
-Introduction, discuss partner expectations, etc.
2) When you receive work from your partner - ASAP (rough draft, completed story, artwork draft, completed artwork)
-"Got it" or "Thanks for sending" are acceptable responses.
3) If your partner or mod emails you at any time, for any reason, you are expected to respond within 1 week.
-There is no excuse for not clicking 'reply' and typing in a few words within a reasonable timeframe. It only takes a few seconds.
You can read the full Communication Post
HERE Artwork will be posted anonymously for the claim. You may include a prompt/summary/outline for a story (optional) and also your likes/dislikes (optional). Once the artwork is claimed, the Artist and Author may work together as much or as little as they choose.
Your artwork must be based on NCIS characters and must include at least one character from the original series. Crossovers and original characters are welcome, although this may reduce the chances of your artwork being claimed. Gen, Het and Slash are all welcome, as are all ratings. As some Authors struggle to find betas and cheerleaders, it's nice to know upfront if this is a service the Artist is willing to offer (this is not a commitment, just a possibility). It's perfectly fine either way and your Author may have a beta (or cheerleader) they normally use, but if you're possibly willing, please let us know.
*Backup Authors:
In previous years, we have had Authors fail to turn in a rough draft, story or respond to their Artist or the mod. We have had other Authors advise they are willing to pick up abandoned artwork. Authors who are close to 80% completion of their rough drafts may reach out to the mod to request an extension NO LATER THAN THE ROUGH DRAFT DUE DATE. For Authors who fail to turn in a rough draft by the due date, or by a granted extension date, the Artist may opt to release the art to be picked up by a backup Author. Artists will need to make this decision within 5 days of the rough draft due date. If a story has been claimed by a backup Author, they will be allowed to post their completed story.
If the original Author then suddenly reappears (after no communication by the rough draft due date) with a completed story by April 30th, it will be up to the Artist if they're willing to have a second story posted. Only one story will be added to the schedule, so if both authors come through, the backup author would be given a master post schedule date. If the original author comes through and the artist allows both stories, the original claimant's story would be linked on the master list. The bottom line is, please stay in touch, and be sure to reach out by the rough draft due date so people aren't left wondering.
An email address is required to participate in this challenge. I will not give out your email. I usually only contact participants who have missed a deadline or have failed to communicate with their challenge partner, and possibly for a poll. When I send challenge emails, I send them to myself and BCC the participants so others will not get your email from me. If you do not want to post your email publicly, you may email it to me as noted below. I'm sorry, but I do not have the time to PM multiple people if/when needed, so an email address is required.
Please note: You will still need to sign up below to participate in the challenge and will need to reach out to your partner via email to exchange art/story files.
To sign up, please copy and paste the information from the box below into a comment along with your information.
LJ or DW username:
Artist name:
Email* where we can reach you:
Do you understand and are willing to abide by the minimum communication expectation?:
Have you reviewed the schedule and understand the due dates for this challenge?:
How many pieces of artwork/prompts are you likely to post*?:
Would you be willing to offer beta or cheerleader services for your author?
[*if you prefer, you can send your email address to ncischallenge (at) gmail (dot) com]
Looking for inspiration? Check out our
Poll Results All participants should join this community to watch for updates. You must be a member of the community to be given posting access.
All participants are encouraged to join our Support Community
Artists can sign up through either LJ or DW. Art claims will be held at LJ.
Community FAQs on LJ or
Community FAQs on DW.
If you have other questions, feel free to ask!
2024 NCIS Reverse Bang Schedule:
Author Sign-ups Open - Sunday, 19 November
Artist Sign-ups Open - Sunday, 19 November
Artist Sign-ups Close - Sunday, 31 December
Artwork Due - Wednesday, 3 January
Artwork Preview - Thursday, 4 January
Author Sign-ups Close - Friday, 5 January
Art Claims Open - Saturday, 6 January
Art claim will open at 17:00 GMT World clock, GMT, you can switch this to a 24-hour format if you
Rough Draft Due Date: Saturday 13 April
- We must receive your rough draft or hear from you by this date. If we do not hear from you or receive your rough draft by this date, your claim may be reassigned to a backup author.
Availability check and schedule posts - mid-April
Completed Stories and Art Due: 30 April
Posting Begins - TBA May
Progress check-ins are not mandatory, but we do appreciate hearing from our participants.
Check-In # 1: 27 Jan
Check-In # 2: 17 Feb
Check-In # 3: 09 Mar
Check-In # 4: 30 Mar
Progress check-ins are not mandatory, but we do appreciate hearing from our participants.