Nov 06, 2021 08:02
Greetings everyone!
Over the last few years, I have heard from some artists who aren't sure what characters/pairings to include in their artwork. We've also had some authors not make claims because the characters/pairings they are interested in were not represented.
So, I thought...why not a poll?
If you are planning to sign up as an author for the 2022 NCIS Reverse Bang, we are interested in your thoughts! Participation is certainly not required. Likewise, artists are under no obligation to even look at the poll results, but it's there for anyone looking for ideas. Fair enough?
You may answer just the questions you are interested in. You may list as many responses as you would like, however, the point is to narrow down what people are really interested in writing this year, as a jumping-off point for any interested artists.
Comments are screened. You may also email your responses to me at jacieleigh (at) gmail (dot) com, if you prefer - please put "Reverse Bang Poll" in your subject line. I will be posting the poll results, but will not include any names, only the responses.
1) What character or characters are you most interested in writing?
2) What pairing or pairings are you most interested in writing?
{use & for gen (friendship pairings) or / for slash (romantic pairings)}
3) You may include some 1-3 word prompts or preferences if you would like, nothing longer. No character names, only prompts or preferences.
These should be simple. Examples: hurt/comfort, vacation, case fic, collage, cool tones, warm tones, vertical, horizontal, car chase, spirit guide, memories, love, winter, holiday theme, smiles, multiple characters, team, etc.