Rec: Stranger, I just came to get to know you - fic

Feb 10, 2013 22:24

(It's late. I have work. But I discovered a fic that I can't wait for you guys to stumble upon yourselves all willy nilly. So I'm just going to point to it firmly and gently demand you give it a read, just try the first thousand words and tell me you can stop. I won't believe you but you can say it. WARNING: Do not listen to piano music during the ( Read more... )

(g): humour, (c): charlie matheson, (g): hurt/comfort, (g): fluff, (c): nora clayton, (fw): fanfic, (r): nc-17, (c): aaron pittman, (p): charlie/miles, (g): au, (misc): community recs, (c): miles matheson, (g): angst, (g): smut

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Comments 9

gizzi1213 February 10 2013, 12:08:21 UTC
I second this recommendation. I found it late saturday evening, it's long so I thought I'd start reading it and finish in the morning. COULD NOT STOP reading it, ended up with the damned iPad I bed with me so I could finish reading it at one time.

Definitely check out this story.


mustbethursday3 February 11 2013, 09:34:28 UTC
I thought I'd start reading it and finish in the morning. COULD NOT STOP reading it

Glad to know I wasn't the only one. AND I tried to stop so many times, and then I was like - but they're about to talk/kiss/dance/fight I can't leave it now...What is sleep really except closing my eyes? I can close them any ol' time. If it were that important I wouldn't have found this thing. This is destiny. It's time to surrender.


mercscilla February 10 2013, 19:59:50 UTC
The most awesome moment was when those certain something-s popped up out of nowhere. That just pushed my love for this amazing piece of written art to a whole new level. <3

And their slowly evolving relationship? I was envisioning it like a road trip the whole time. ♥


mustbethursday3 February 11 2013, 09:49:10 UTC
The 'certain somethings' made me do a doubletake - I thought it was a fake out.

That maybe I was reading things that weren't there or reading it the wrong way....but no. And then I was all omg AARON - finally something for you to freak out about and I'm right there with you XD

It was like a twist I never expected but it made perfect sense after it happened. Like, why don't all fics have this in the middle? Revolution plus 'certain somethings' = WTH. THIS IS AWESOME.

pushed my love for this amazing piece of written art to a whole new level.Perfect sentence is perfect. It's art right? Like it takes fiction to a new level that you don't see in all fandoms, and definitely don't expect so soon after only 10 episodes and a 3mth's wow. It's long and detailed and brilliant, but it doesn't feel long. I usually avoid anything over 15k. I'm always up for the next thing and get bored easily (tho there are several Rev multi chapters I keep up with, because I'm obsessed, and a shipper, and THIS SHOW; I'll take everything that results ( ... )


kathrynthegr8 February 10 2013, 20:40:10 UTC
Thank you so much for this rec! I've been stalking the Charlie/Miles tag on AO3 for so long i'm surprised I didn't see this before. Gah! Plotty and wonderful. I love when we get new writers for this pairing/show.


mustbethursday3 February 11 2013, 09:55:08 UTC
You're welcome :D (you would have found it eventually but I wanted to speed up the process)

I've missed you around the place btw. Hope we see more of you closer to March 25th.

New writers are the bees knees.

But brilliant, new writers are like: sleeping in on a Friday and finding money in a pocket that you forgot about and someone saying something unexpectedly on cue with your random thoughts, ALL ROLLED INTO ONE \o/


corycides February 10 2013, 21:03:31 UTC
Haven't read it all yet - must get an early night, must get up early and be coherent tomorrow - but it's great so far. Thanks for the rec!


mustbethursday3 February 11 2013, 10:01:31 UTC
It makes me happy that you're reading it - even though you left it, how did you leave it, you must have SUPER will power...coz I tried, boy did I try. And failed - coz we all have you to supply our fiction addiction...but you only have the occasional new story to read.

Which is super unfair and maybe one day the rest of us will pull our Fandom weight...but yeh, for now we have brilliant fics like these that makes it less unfair.

(I know I can't enjoy anything I've written. It's kinda like pressing my face against a window, I can't see anything, everything's smooshed and all I see is mistakes...or something that makes more sense? It's Monday, I don't make sense on Mondays. Or any days.)


corycides February 11 2013, 18:11:50 UTC
I had an early start this morning and am not a morning person - at all, not even a little, I require coffee and loud music until at least 11 at which point I can be conversed with :D

There's other writers - I'm just weirdly fixated on filling the 100 fics table :D And once the show comes back everyone will get loads of new inspiration!

(I usually take at least three months of NOT LOOKING AT IT, IT IS DEAD TO ME, PUT IT IN A DRAWER before I can even sorta like anything I write. And then I become convinced that I used to be able to write...but now it's dead and I should be sad.)


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