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Comments 178

scifidvm May 21 2014, 20:10:47 UTC
So... Remember that wall I said I was off to paint...

... )


hithelleth May 21 2014, 20:13:53 UTC
Oh, wow, you're awesome. :) I hope you don't get arrested, though.


scifidvm May 21 2014, 20:33:54 UTC
No worries... that wall has been designated for painting/decorating since the 80's (our college town's way of preventing random graffiti throughout the town).
Though my repeated J walking across the busy street to get good pictures... that's a different story.


mustbethursday3 May 21 2014, 22:18:31 UTC

This was my exact reaction, like: OOOOOOOOoooooo......Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.


hithelleth May 21 2014, 20:15:00 UTC
I refuse to accept this is the end. And I love you all. That is all. I'll be around after I see it.


scifidvm May 21 2014, 21:28:45 UTC
So where are all the ladies with our official Monroe t shirts? I'm like possibly the worst selfie taker ever... but let's do this! Let's break twitter (or instagram or whatever the cool kids that are much younger and hipper than I am are using these days) with an explosion of Monroe Republic t shirt selfies. #MonroeMilitia

Here, I'll start...

... )


ext_2577256 May 21 2014, 22:57:36 UTC
Oh the peer pressure!
... )


shortysc22 May 22 2014, 00:04:44 UTC
So you basically inspired me to buy this shirt and I'm so excited for it to come.


scifidvm May 22 2014, 00:08:57 UTC
Yay! Peer pressure!


shesagalaxygirl May 21 2014, 23:31:58 UTC
I've been a passionate fan of TV shows since I was a young teen, and a few decades later I am certain I haven't ever been as quietly devastated over a show ending (too soon, or at all) as I am tonight. :(


gizzi1213 May 22 2014, 00:02:43 UTC
What is it with wasting time replaying scenes we've already seen? And a nanite scene at that!!! Total waste of time.

Get to Miles, Monroe and Charlie already!!!


(The comment has been removed)

gizzi1213 May 22 2014, 00:07:35 UTC
I guess they needed it to set up the "sleeping" version of Priscilla, but we've yet to see Miles, Monroe and Charlie...the BIG THREE I want to focus on!!!


scifidvm May 22 2014, 00:07:01 UTC
For real!
I just keep reminding myself that they didn't know this was the end.


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