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Comments 94

mercscilla May 7 2014, 09:18:24 UTC
In all the shows I'm watching, my favourite characters have either mental/emotional breakdowns or mental/emotional showdowns. Revolutions, The 100, Agents of SHIELD, Continuum, From Dusk Till Dawn. THAT CANNOT BE HEALTHY. But I love it. *headdesk*

Let's see what they give us this week. I'm hoping for another Charlie/Miles moment, this time Charlie taking care of Miles and giving him her kind of special peep-talk. :D


mustbethursday3 May 7 2014, 11:52:59 UTC
ZOMG all the bouncy things.

♥ Mercy.

I'm hoping for another Charlie/Miles moment,

Heeeeeeeeeee. Well, if she finds him first and she's not with the terrible twosome, then we should at least get 20 seconds of Marlie moment. IF THE UNIVERSE IS AT ALL FAIR.

this time Charlie taking care of Miles and giving him her kind of special peep-talk. :D


Peep-talk huh?

What does that involve?

Watching Bass get dressed?


mustbethursday3 May 7 2014, 11:59:00 UTC

Wish list ...duh duh duh duuuuuuh:

+ Charlie finds Miles and there's head cradling and face touching and beaming. (The promo hinted at this. So I NEEDS IT NOW)

+ And Charlie says something sassy and Miles-y before he can. (Like: I promise, I'm going to get you every drop of whiskey I can find, after we get you home.)

+ A sincere Miloe 'You alright bro?' moment.

+ The Riles is contained to that one kiss, the rest of the ep is action and Marlie and Miloe.

+ Charlie and Bass do some recon/sync'd up badassery.

+ MY OT3 ♥

+ Connor gets off his ass this ep.

+ We get a new cart.

+ Bass and Rachel avoid each other...(god, can we just deal with that in S3, KTHANX.)

+ Gene is adorably grandpa-y at everyone.

+ Miles speaks to Charlie about his revelation, not just Rachel. (plzzzzzzz)

+ Aaron interacts with the Monroes.

*runs back to PS*...so much giffing to do ahhhhh.


marciaelena May 7 2014, 12:30:39 UTC
Did you all see this? I hope this will help our show. They can't cancel everything, right?



mustbethursday3 May 7 2014, 13:56:48 UTC
I did see that they'd pulled them, hadn't seen that article tho.

Crisis is absolutely unsaveable.

Gillian's the only good thing, and they waste her on a terrible character who shows up every now and then.

The teenage actors are terrible. Wooden. Unemotional. The main pair - the FBI people - are boring, and the dialogue they have to spit out...the writers really need to take a good hard look at themselves.

And IDEK what the plot is, and I've watched all episodes to date. I don't care enough to remember, it's like a children's show that doesn't know it's a children's show so it advertises to older audiences and uses mature-ish themes that are really out of place. There aren't any likeable characters on the show. (Well, I like Gillian's character, but only because it's Gillian. And I think I'm in the minority...of what little Crisis fandom there is, that I've seen)

And Believe I can't watch anymore. It's too painful. But it has more promise than Crisis. (Didn't Crisis have to actually shutdown production for a week because the ( ... )


anonymous May 7 2014, 17:51:57 UTC
I hope you're right. If we only look at the ratings of Revolution, it's a long shot, but if they actually these other shows, then we might have a chance. I'm starting to hope again! If they don't renew it the fall will only be harder. I'd miss my Miloe that is almost nonexistent this season and my Marlie that is more and more lacking. I'd also miss my favorite psycho named Bass...

It's crazy when you think about all the bad things we could say about this show and yet to be so addicted to it. If only NBC would take Revolution more seriously and actually do a better job at marketing it it'd be great.


sasha_b May 7 2014, 22:38:18 UTC
Excited for tonight, and man, I have every body part crossed NBC doesn't cancel a show that can be so much.

OKAY, give me some Miloe. And some Charlie and Miles time!!


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