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Comments 8

ballsandbullets April 20 2014, 17:32:29 UTC
Ugh, I wish they would do hour-long recaps on TV sprinkled with actor comments (like some other shows have done) instead of SVU repeats. It might make Revolution accessible to more viewers. I feel like this is a great example of what appropriate marketing can do.

Also, stop being 'judicious' with the flashbacks!! Squander them all over the place! Say no to judiciousness!


ballsandbullets April 20 2014, 18:44:34 UTC
Also, at some point, didn't Elizabeth Mitchell say that the real reason behind the release of the nano might be surprising? Like Rachel may not have had the role you think she had?

Guys, what if Ben was actually a villain? #imaginationonoverdrive


somberi_penn April 21 2014, 04:05:25 UTC



mustbethursday3 April 22 2014, 01:15:46 UTC
There something about - something being whispered in her ear that changes how the Blackout happened?

...I think. IDK. I've read so many articles. It all blends.

And OMG NO. NOT BEN...Unless he's magically still alive/resurrected - just so we can deal with him for once. Despite the chaos it'd throw every storyline into. You can't ignore the dead man who's no longer dead (can you Aaron?).

I still want Rachel to become the new Big Bad. But in a grey way - where everything she's doing has some benefits, and she has good reasons and logic, but it causes a f**k load of negatives too...to the point where it takes a while to realise she's the 'bad guy'.


ivy_b April 23 2014, 15:07:57 UTC
Guys, what if Ben was actually a villain? #imaginationonoverdrive

If that's the case I may have to stab someone and stuff them in the Murder Shed, then set them on fire. Because Ben should not get the John Winchester treatment of character assassination postmortem. I'd much rather Rachel become a morally ambiguous villain than lay it all on Ben, who is dead and can't defend himself.


carlier36 April 21 2014, 18:13:52 UTC
UGH. It would have been nice if they could get someone to do this who actually watches the show.

It’s mentioned that J.J. Abrams (executive producer) knows Jennifer Garner (from Alias), so perhaps Ben Affleck is a possibility….

Really?! Since we JUST found out it's more likely to be Garner than Ben Affleck. *shakes head*

Okay, okay. /rant over. They are just the cutest people ever, aren't they?! *cuddles*


mustbethursday3 April 22 2014, 01:17:45 UTC

WELL, to be fair he does start the article admitting that he stopped watching after 9 episodes of S2 (?) or something. And it sounds like he hasn't considered going back until he witnessed the panel and the Sizzle Reel awesomeness.

And yes. Super cute.


carlier36 April 22 2014, 20:26:41 UTC
WELL, to be fair he does start the article admitting that he stopped watching after 9 episodes of S2 (?) or something.
Haha, yes, he does. I was being grumpy yesterday. ;P

And it sounds like he hasn't considered going back until he witnessed the panel and the Sizzle Reel awesomeness.
That Sizzle Reel certainly does it's job - has me totally excited for the final four!


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