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Summary of 1x07 - The Children's Crusade
Rachel discloses the real reason she left her family behind all those years ago. Miles and Charlie encounter a bright spot in their journey - - When Charlie meets a boy who’s suffered a plight similar to her own, she relates and longs to help him and his young friends. First, she must convince Miles. Meanwhile, Rachel grows weary of General Monroe as she meets someone from her past.
(Italicized = Wikipedia synopsis)
- Best scene(s):
- Worst moment(s):
- Favourite quote(s):
- Your Revelation of the Week:
- The award for Best character development of the ep goes to:
- Anything else:
- This post contains SPOILERS.
- No bashing.
- Play nice! Don't be rude, don't start arguments. Be respectful.
- Contact a mod immediately if you have any issues on this post.
- Have fun! :)