Oy. I have to confess, this video made me so uncomfortable. And I am NOT a Sarah Palin fan. But I have this feeling that she probably accepted the nomination with little understanding for what she was getting herself in for, and whether that's right or wrong, she's doing the best she can. I'll be the first to talk your ear off about how heinously unfair and ridiculously stupid it is that Sarah is in the race and Hillary isn't, but I'm starting to feel the pity for SP...
I can't bring up much sympathy for Palin because she appears to be so smugly certain that she would be great at the job. I don't see the kind of improvement in her that would indicate she's working to gain an understanding of the issues. What I do see is that she's resorting to nasty tactics to encourage fear of Obama during her campaigning, applying what competence she has toward unworthy tactics. I can't respect that, and it's very difficult for me to feel bad for her.
Fair enough. But as far as that goes, a significant amount of the press and garbage-press (i.e. this video) is directed at her blunders, does not deal fairly with what she says (both smart as well as stupid), and is both sexist and nasty in tone itself
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I agree with nayad re: feeling sorry for SP. At first, I thought she might try to get up to speed on the issues, but now I see that she has no interest in that. What she's in it for is the down-home, right-wing conservative hate-fest toward the left. She's come thiiiiiiis close to inciting race riots at her rallies, and that's why McCain had to backpeddle and actually talk about respect last week. (I was wondering when ol' John was going to remember what he's stood for all these years.)
SP should bow out now, for perfectly understandable personal reasons. McCain could possibly win this thing if he picked a smart, accessible Republican woman like Hutchinson or Whitman. But that would be flip-flopping, now wouldn't it?
Comments 5
SP should bow out now, for perfectly understandable personal reasons. McCain could possibly win this thing if he picked a smart, accessible Republican woman like Hutchinson or Whitman. But that would be flip-flopping, now wouldn't it?
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