made for current picspammy challenge: premieres and finales.
Many shows are cancelled before their time. Journeyman is one of them. Like all the series before it (and certainly after), its tight knit 10+ episodes are each a gem to its genre and to television in general. Journeyman didn't have potential because it was good, period. A story was being told and each episode added more to the mythology. Characters were fully realized, relationships were solid, and stories unfolded naturally into the bigger picture. Unfortunately the series never reached far enough to have any concrete answers, but it ended on a fantastic, slightly-ambiguous yet hopeful note with the hero accepting his time traveling destiny. The series was adult and human, choosing to deal with the science-fiction in a realistic way that (I believe this completely) if it had been given a full year would have found an audience and been picked up and eventually become a mainstream success.
On that note, fuck you NBC for cancelling this amazing series.