First, the great news: my aunt called me yesterday to tell me she's coming over here next thursday, and she'll stay for six days! It wasn't planned, but with the panic attack, the ambulance, the bronchitis, I think I did scare her a lot. Anyway, she's coming over! Yessssssss! And I'm feeling better, so I can enjoy her company instead of spending
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Comments 5
Hope you feel better soon! Good news on your aunt visiting.
My Dr who comment: WTF? All the time war angst and the doctor didn't kill everyone? Still watched it though! Just for Tennant and Hurt.
Besides, they're probably going to use the Big Red Reset Button every other episode with Twelve as well, so maybe further down the line they'll negate everything Moffat wrote too.
Yep, I'm feeling bitter.
Su DW ormai si è detto di tutto e di più..dispiace perchè,quando si tiene tanto a qualcosa,è brutto non riuscire ad emozionarsi più,anche se lo si vorrebbe e tanto..spero che Capaldi porti una ventata old school ma volo bassa nelle mie aspettative..Per fortuna ritorna Sherlock xD
Ti dirò, io aspetto direttamente lo showrunner nuovo, si stancheranno di Moffat prima o poi alla BBC!
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