Christmas on the road!

Dec 30, 2008 21:44

Now that was different.  CDL and I loaded the kids and the presents up in the van and drove12 hours to my parents' house to spend the holiday with them.  We'd never traveled as a family for Christmas before and now I know why there's all those movies about Christmas travel hijinks.  It was fun to spend the time with my folks and the kids had a ball ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

uncledisgusting December 31 2008, 09:02:51 UTC
heh - we got a wii fit as well.

i fed some figures into it and it broadened the waist of the character it had reserved for me - cheeky bastard thing.

still, i am dieting as a result, so can't be all bad.


nausicaa1 January 1 2009, 02:09:00 UTC
Okay, when the wii fit broadened the waistline of my Mii, which subsequently hung her head in shame, I was ready to chuck it out the window. But if yours did that too and I didn't get the only rude, possibly demon possessed, one on the planet, I suppose I'll put up with the indignity.

Speaking of cheeky bastards, rotten Corey went on a diet (result of horrible nintendo mockery) with me and has already dropped enough extra poundage to be visible to the naked eye while I remain a very round little Mii. I'm going to have to start dosing him with high fructose corn syrup in his sleep.


linenspistils December 31 2008, 09:06:29 UTC
Oh man. When I was a kid, we got a rock tumbler, and it was pretty much my favorite thing ever until it finally gave out. It also helped me understand metaphors for the very first time: something interesting hiding underneath every rough surface.

Glad you all got home safe!


nausicaa1 January 1 2009, 02:12:38 UTC
I totally made the kids look at the before-rocks of the refill pack after I read your comment so they could have the metaphor benefit! Better yet, my sister also got them a rock drill thingy so we can make jewelry out of the results, so we can go from worthless pebbles to bling in our metaphors!

Thanks, BTW! <3! Happy New Year to you and yours!


selectyourplaye December 31 2008, 15:09:50 UTC
we got wii fit, too, a few months ago. unfortunately, yattaboe fell off of her bike a week later and broke her knee, so we've been pretty limited on the use of it since... i'll pick it back up this spring.

i did, however, trade it in for world of goo, which is great. i'm about as far as you are, but am taking my time with it. the bridge stage with the frog was the one that first really, really frustrated me, but it's such a great idea.

happy new year!


nausicaa1 January 1 2009, 02:18:29 UTC
Poor Yattaboe! (I peeked at her journal and am stunned at how cool she is! I mean, a 5th Doctor icon pretty much says it all, doesn't it? Am friending her ASAP!) I hope she recovers soon because Wii Fit is too fun to be considered something so dull as exercise!

Funny you should mention. I am totally stuck at the bridge stage with the frog and the skull goo balls. It is pissing me off to no end! Other than that, though, I completely agree that World of Goo is a wonderful idea and is too charming for words!

Thanks, man! Happy New Year to you and yours as well!


carimil77 January 5 2009, 20:06:50 UTC
I am so glad you all had a good time. I wish we could have been there as well. I am a little jealous that you got to go.


anonymous January 9 2009, 17:45:36 UTC
You got some awesome stuff! Would that my parents were savvy enough to get me sweet two-tone Converse, or in fact anything good that I didn't specifically ask for. I always wanted a rock tumbler, too.

-anonymous, since i don't feel like logging in on my craptop


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