So, I'm home, and it's cold and I don't want to go back to work. I love LA. I can't wait for July now! Echelon invasion!
Also, if anybody wants to sign up for
himym_santa (which I don't think I actually ever pimped here, oops) I've extended signups til midnight GMT tomorrow (Sunday Nov 30th). So go and request stuff, HIMYM fans
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Comments 8
Uhm, I am going to give you money on Friday. I PROMISE. Just IM me or email me that morning to remind me so that I don't forget. I just need to get another paycheck.
p.s. I neglected to do my Cortex update last night. Got in late (almost 2am) from an all day bday gathering/jam session thing - that I did not know would last that long from getting there at 2pm - and my head was throbbing. Could not deal with being on the computer... tried and lasted 5 seconds. So, with that said, I would be happy to update the Cortex today and cover both days. So if you want to let the appropriate editor know, I can take care of it. :)
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