Part VI. Themes 26-30. Last one, yay.
Theme: 26: Hidden
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto: Jiroubou/Ukon/Sakon
Title: Twinspeak, Trispeak
Author: NaturalCyber
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the Sound Four in any way and am making no money from this endeavor.
Theme 26 )
Comments 1
Drabble 27: XD KITTY-SITTING! You are far too amusing for me for my own good *luffs* I can just see them like '*grumblegrumble* stupid cats...' and Jiroubou sneaking over for a quickie - tee!
Drabble 28: So of course I wondered under what pretext the twins would have used to sneak into Tayuya's room ^^; I'd think that Jibourou would have figured out by now the point of bugging the hell out of her is, though would go with it's nookie <3
Drabble 29: ...Oooo *______* I can't even start on this one... *licks*
Drabble 30: And the dirty one at the end XD I knew there was a pattern! This is hotly sweet (damnit you're so good at making things sweet without the 'i lurve juu! kisssnugglecuddle' bits) and pulls more wibbles from me. You're so wonderriffic~
AND THAT'S ALL! (alright, I cheated on 29 but it's just so sdflsdk) You shall be pestered again by me soon. Up up, away!
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