Ina May is the most widely recommended author. I read one of her books (Guide to Childbirth) and enjoyed it. I recall liking Pam England's Birthing from Within but can't remember much about it at the moment.
I was on here so much with Calvin and Saskia. The community is really slow (hello, lj) but there is a ton of good stuff archived on this page.
If I were pregnant and could only have two books, they would be The Thinking Woman's Guide to Childbirth, and Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth. Spiritual Midwifery is funny far out fuzzy hippie stuff but also has some great info, and inspiring stories.
I need to get on getting you more info, though. 11 weeks! Almost to the second trimester already!
I will definitely get these books. Thank you!!! Yes already 11 weeks (almost 12 at this point). There is no hiding my belly at this point. I'm having a clothing crisis. I was going with the not-telling-most-people-until-2nd-trimester, but it's totally obvious / impossible to hide.
So my kids are now 5 & 7 and birth was a long time ago... but I learned a lot of stuff from this community, way back when I was pregnant. I agree with the Ina May recommendation (is she no longer Gaskin?). I know I read a lot of stuff, but I can't really remember what else! Yikes!
If you're looking for some good birth preparation I highly recommend Hypnobabies (different from Hypnobirthing, which I've heard is also good but less comprehensive). It's a self-hypnosis program with CDs you can listen to while you fall asleep. I did this for my second birth and only had time to listen at night as I fell asleep (I had a toddler!) and found it helped me during my birth SO MUCH. I mean, it was astounding.
I had two homebirths, so I definitely went natural :).
Comments 6
Ina May is the most widely recommended author. I read one of her books (Guide to Childbirth) and enjoyed it. I recall liking Pam England's Birthing from Within but can't remember much about it at the moment.
Welcome! I didn't end up in a natural birth but I love the idea! You'll find lots of like mind here :)
Holy shitballs, I know this name!
Hey there, you. ;)
I was on here so much with Calvin and Saskia. The community is really slow (hello, lj) but there is a ton of good stuff archived on this page.
If I were pregnant and could only have two books, they would be The Thinking Woman's Guide to Childbirth, and Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth. Spiritual Midwifery is funny far out fuzzy hippie stuff but also has some great info, and inspiring stories.
I need to get on getting you more info, though. 11 weeks! Almost to the second trimester already!
I will definitely get these books. Thank you!!! Yes already 11 weeks (almost 12 at this point). There is no hiding my belly at this point. I'm having a clothing crisis. I was going with the not-telling-most-people-until-2nd-trimester, but it's totally obvious / impossible to hide.
If you're looking for some good birth preparation I highly recommend Hypnobabies (different from Hypnobirthing, which I've heard is also good but less comprehensive). It's a self-hypnosis program with CDs you can listen to while you fall asleep. I did this for my second birth and only had time to listen at night as I fell asleep (I had a toddler!) and found it helped me during my birth SO MUCH. I mean, it was astounding.
I had two homebirths, so I definitely went natural :).
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