Anime 20in20 Round # 40 - Another

May 28, 2013 23:11

♛ [ 20 ] another


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Comments 10

just_miya May 28 2013, 19:57:32 UTC
cat set is gorgeous but wonderful is by far my favorite love the colouring


zabuza_sama26 May 28 2013, 21:35:49 UTC
Why thank you ♥ !
I was really hoping to get the cat set proper this time, since the last time
I made black and white icons they were horrendous =="
Ah yes, wonderful is made to be wonderful lol xD


anna_tsukiko May 28 2013, 22:52:13 UTC
Another icons, yay ♥ I love tears & cat #3 but my favorite icon is Far. The colouring and cropping is so beautiful ♥


zabuza_sama26 May 29 2013, 07:43:16 UTC
Another ♥
Aww thank you <3
I'm glad you like it, normally i mess up the cropping ><"
Thank you again!


cool_spectrum May 29 2013, 02:03:23 UTC
Ohh, what an emotional set of icons~ The B&W icons are really great! You must have messed with the contrast levels forever...
I also really like Name, Red, and Wonderful <3


zabuza_sama26 May 29 2013, 07:48:55 UTC
yeah~ lol I just figured out how emotional they were when I looked at my post i was like ... dude ... @@
In the last round i made hideous B&W icons so I was determined to get these right this time
Lol ... if you knew just how easy they were to make ... you'd run after me with a slipper ... xDDD
See I spent so much time on the themes or actually 'action' cuz it's my first ever gif. Then I put so much of
my focus on themes and then i got sick, so I had to whiz through all the rest, so yea ... they're not so complicated xD
Name drove me insane; the hardest part of iconing for me is adding a font in there somewhere, so I'm very glad you liked it :)
Red ... yes I've always wanted to make an icon like that, I'm so happy i managed it ^^
Wonderful ... I'm just glad I found something that fits that category in that anime lol! everything else is 'wonderful' bloodshed and 'wonderful' grotesque ways to die xDDD


cool_spectrum May 29 2013, 07:59:00 UTC
LOL, I know... sometimes I don't realize what the whole set will look like all together, and then I kinda wish I hadn't made so many icons with the same color, or with the same crop or whatever... it's so funny.

Ugh, I stopped trying to B&W honestly. They only turn out good for me when it's a nice, simple close-ish crop or something that was already in B&W... because really when you don't have color to cover up the mistakes, it's all lighting and composition which I'm too lazy to do XD

Ehe, sounds like a series I will never watch. My poor stomach can't take teh drama... let alone gore.


zabuza_sama26 May 29 2013, 10:47:29 UTC
Let me tell you something, I -know- lazy ... seriously I've been photoshopping for about 6 years I only just this month tried a gif because I was too lazy to learn ... Oh and that reminds me I have to make some B&W for your calendar too ( ... )


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