[picspam+sharing] Natsu no koi wa nijiiro ni kagayaku episode 1

Sep 14, 2010 21:04

I was really hoping to be able to post this early but still... I'm starting to post my own screencaps of the drama itself, episode after episode!

I made a good amount of them (see the number at the bottom of this entry XD), trying to get rid of my obvious bias for Jun <3 and Yuko <3), in this post I'll show you a part of them but of course in the batch you'll find the whole set ^_^

Do you remember how the story started?
Because I do!
And I remember myself interested in it from the very start...

And of course the fanservice helped, a gorgeous guy in the lead role is not a bad thing at all :D

Good looking also in a suit, with a great aura... and people don't recognize him o_____O
I really think only in a drama you can have this situation, maybe Taiga is not the best actor when the story starts, but he is a gorgeous guy for sure!

He was so cute playing Gin-san as a baby ^_____^
This scene will be important for the developement of his character.
I was amused by the fact the scriptwriter hasn't forget about it until the last episode.

Another proof of hotness. I real wonder how can people not recognize him o_____O

This is my fave Taiga-face of the whole episode.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this picky bocchan <3

Skydiving and friendship!
I love Taiga and Keita relationship, they are so cute ^_^
Am I the only one here?

Taiga is a fail-guy too XD

The first look at each other. Please notice his face. XD

Shiori, you damn lucky woman, help him! XD

Maybe my fave shoot of Taiga of the whole episode.
I really liked the direction here.

Shiori aka the scary woman XD

Arguing XD

Another beautifully directed part...

This was the only scene I couldn't approve of the episode... I don't particulary like the humor of this. We learn that the Kusonoki family attitude is really different from Taiga's one.
Thank God after that Kotaro-san revelead himself as a really caring father... I would like to see more of his character I have to admit, I was able to feel his love for his son even with a few scenes with him...

Keita you have a real good amount of patience with him!
Taiga really loved to complain in the first episodes :D

I see a hot stalker here XD

Oh, this beach... I wasn't able to guess properly how important was this beach in the whole story...

Gin-san! <333

I really respected Shiori due to this scene...

Kotaro-san ;_;

I like how he looks here! <3

Please bring me icons with those faces of two of them, PLEASEEEEEEEE xd

The man with good taste in woman looks like intrigued by her :D
Taiga really likes to have the lead in this kind of situations...

The most shocking scene of the episode :D
And another part with good directing.
It's more simple to understand the shock for the characters if you see the things with their eyes. I remember I screamed when I saw Umi's face XDDDDDD

How cute they are together!
I love almost all the scenes with mother and daughter together! <3

Poor thing <333 ;_;

Download the whole batch:
total count: 162 screencaps
MF: download
MU: download

Feel free to use them to make graphics and/or in websites but please don't hotlink my MF and MU links, thank you :D (same applies to all links of the community, in case you didn't guess by yourself XD)
Also, for my screencaps only credits are not mandatory but I can appreciate them of course :D
Same goes about comments :D

♥ sharing:screencaps

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