Title: Elate Na Thn Paretai
morwen2 Character/Pairings: Turkey, Greece, Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos
Summary: anno Domini1453, Greece's life is about to change.
Rating: G.
Warning: Angst.
Dedicated to my lovely beta
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Comments 2
Actually, I'd love to see the Byzantine Empire covered more in Hetalia.
And, for example, I never knew that the Emperor was such a brave man.
I also love this line in particular: The old imperial capital was now a Turkish domain, the old moon was now replaced by a new one,
Very well done.
I was so impressed, while reading many books and essays about the Fall of Constantinople, I kept repeating: "This man was so awesome, I must write something about him!" I'm sure Herakles still misses him ^^
(Kingdom of Heaven's OST helped a lot too: each one of the themes was so inspiring!! *3*)
Thanks <3 that's because both Constantinople and the Ottoman Empire's (and then the Turkish Republic)symbol was the moon. So, the city becomes like the moon, which changes its aspect phase after phase.
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