Like, I know, I'm just like, way too nice!

Apr 01, 2009 23:40

Time: Neutral
Question for: Latvia but like, anyone can answer if they have like, any idea.
Question: ( Are you like, afraid of him or something? )

*neutral, *sealand, *lithuania, *russia, *latvia, *all nations, *estonia

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Comments 55

peter_kirkland April 2 2009, 04:09:09 UTC
Yeah! As his friend and pretend brother I'd really like to see him gain more confidence too!

I've tried a few things, like once I suggested skydiving. I think it made him shake even more though. Safe to say... skydiving didn't happen.

Maybe starting with something less extreme like bungee jumping would be better!

Or fighting space monsters while wearing brightly colored spandex! One you fight space monsters you aren't afraid of anything.

Of... of course there is once sure way for him to gain confidence... but.. it.. it's too horrifying...


warsaw_letters April 2 2009, 04:24:45 UTC
Like, I totally knew I could rely on you!

Yeah, like, I totally tried too but like, it totally wasn't working. I totally don't see why not though 'cos like, its guaranteed to work!

Hahah, like, totally! We like, gotta start off like, small and then work to like the big things. So like, where're we gonna like, find a space monster? I remember Liet told me America has like, an alien or something?

Like, it totally can't be that bad.~


peter_kirkland April 2 2009, 04:49:19 UTC
Oh right, Tony! Other then beaming people up on occasion he's not that bad of an alien. More like some sort of intergalactic tourist. He might know some real bad space monsters! I'll have to ask him for sure next time I see him!

It really is... You wouldn't believe me though... no one does...


warsaw_letters April 2 2009, 05:11:45 UTC
Like, I could totally ask Liet to ask America if like, you don't get to it too!

No way, like, I totally don't believe its that bad.


masking April 2 2009, 04:59:36 UTC

. . . No ideas comin' to mind, though. Jus' let the guy know izzat yer gonna protect him if needed? The shakin' might actually be a perma-problem, y'know?


warsaw_letters April 2 2009, 05:09:31 UTC
Totally! Like, yeah!

I've like, totally been telling him that for like, ages~ Like, there's totally no way I'm ever gonna like, let Russia bully anyone around just 'cos he's like, fatter bigger, y'know? Like, I hope not 'cos like, it totally doesn't sound like its good for his health.


masking April 2 2009, 05:30:36 UTC
...Then use some sorta confidence buildin' technique or somethin' on 'em? I wouldn' know; never really had to use those before. It could be his health, y'know. Guy has a lotta stressful stuff goin' on right now, yeah?!... But then again he's always been a vibratin' kinda guy. Maybe on the verge of a stroke or sufferin' from low blood sugar? There's a buncha possibilities.


warsaw_letters April 2 2009, 21:07:34 UTC
Pfft, like, whatever~ I bet you totally used to be like, a total wuss. I bet you like, got picked on all the time 'cos of your tacky wardrobe.

Like, stress? Well like, I guess he's totally been through a lot so like, it makes sense... Wait, you mean, like, he could have a heart attack or something...?

Omigosh, like, no way! Like, don't even joke about that! Latvia's like, totally way too healthy for that! And like, I'd be way surprised if Latvia had a stroke before America... Like, no, its totally Russia's fault. So like, stop trying to play doctor.


freedom_kiss April 2 2009, 22:48:16 UTC
You don't think he's having a seizure, do you?!


warsaw_letters April 2 2009, 23:18:59 UTC
No way! Latvia's totally like, way healthy! I'm telling you its like, all Russia's fault!


freedom_kiss April 2 2009, 23:20:42 UTC
Russia gave him epilepsy?!


warsaw_letters April 2 2009, 23:32:29 UTC
What? Like? Really?

I totally knew it! Omigosh, I can totally imagine him doing it too!


italia_fratello April 3 2009, 01:37:57 UTC
What do you mean 'There nothing to be afraid of'???

I... I don't wanna be part of this.


warsaw_letters April 3 2009, 01:57:01 UTC
Like, I can totally give you lessons too if you want them.

Hahah, maybe I'll like, start a dojo or something... Yeah, that'd be like, way cool.


italia_fratello April 3 2009, 02:04:14 UTC


No, this is not going to work. My boss really likes Russia's boss, that damn bast-he thinks we should be friends. Not like I'm scared of him or anything... but that freakish smile!!!


warsaw_letters April 3 2009, 02:50:58 UTC
Totally. I'll like, even let the lessons be free 'cos you'd be like, one of my first students!

What?! Like, of course it would work! Like, my plan totally can't fail! Huh? Like, are you serious...? ... Like, that's totally not cool. I think he looks like, way goofy when he smiles.


iamnotadamnelf April 3 2009, 04:41:14 UTC
Tell him to wrestle a bear...


[is seriously contemplating this] warsaw_letters April 4 2009, 09:40:10 UTC
*knows a few good spots for this* iamnotadamnelf April 5 2009, 21:23:24 UTC
It'll make a man out of him.


[it sounds reeeaaally promising...] warsaw_letters April 6 2009, 01:54:47 UTC
I'll like, ask Latvia what he wants to do then I'll like, totally get back to you on that.


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