Title: Dragon's Flame
Rating: PG - Mild Lanuage
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to a bunch of people that are not me. The quote for the "The Merlin Conspiracy" belongs to the legend Diana Wynne Jones, who is not me. Got it? Ownership= NOT ME!
Summary: How the first reincarnation of Merlin Emrys finally learned to accept his
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Comments 4
Thanks for reading!
Hoping to read a sequel some day!
Arthur looked at him suddenly, and before Merlin knew it, he had him pressed flat on the grass.
"Those runes say 'Pendragon'," Arthur whispered, hovering over him.
This is absolutely my favourite part of the fic! It's perfect ;_;
Please do write a sequel someday!
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