The emergency situation has been rectified and the High Council has decreed that people be returned to their proper timelines/homes/universes. All the people you've met, they're being sent away. You'll never see them again.
The Council offers you a choice: wipe your memories so you don't remember, or keep them, even though you will be separated from the people you remember permanently? What do you choose, and why?
She’d been sitting in the same place for hours, forehead resting on her knees as she mulled over the decision. They’d all been told that they had choices to make before returning home, and her first thought had been that she didn’t want to forget. Not a single second of it.
Nat had opened her mouth to say just that when one of the Time Lords turned to her and informed her that whether she retained her memories or not, things would be exactly as they were when the entire situation had started. She’d be right back in her chair, unable to use or even feel her legs. Mouth going dry, she mumbled something about needing time to think, and hurriedly fled the room. She wished she’d been able to ask Sarah Jane and Josh what they’d chosen, but the Time Lord told her that they had already made their choices and left.
Forgetting would be so easy, she thought, a slight frown sliding across her face. She wouldn’t have to get used to the chair again, wouldn’t have to remember what it was like to be able to walk again, wouldn’t have to go through all the things she had when she first ended up in the chair. The only problem with forgetting everything was…she’d forget everything, and she wasn’t sure that she wanted to do that at all. There were parts of the universe ending that she never wanted to forget.
She never wanted to forget the feel of Sarah’s lips on her, the feel of her hands on Josh, the feeling of her legs, of being able to walk again. She didn’t want to forget how it felt not to have to worry about what people thought of her in the chair, what it was like not to be self-conscious all the time. But the thought of being able to remember all of it, and being stuck in the same place she was before frightened her.
Returning to the room with the Time Lord, she wrapped her arms around herself as she looked up at him. “Can’t I just…remember parts of it?”
“No. Either you remember everything, or you remember nothing at all.”
“But that’s not fair!” She exclaimed childishly, and looking back on this moment she could have kicked herself for it.
“Nothing in life is. Choose, Miss Redfern. Keep your memories, or lose them.”
Nat bit her lip as she looked down for a moment. “I really have no choice? I mean, I have to -“
“Yes.” He said abruptly, a look of annoyance beginning to grow on his face.
Natalie nodded, thinking again. If she went back, forgetting everything that had happened, Sarah would have to keep things from her again, and now that she knew the other woman had been, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with that idea. Not that she’d remember if she did forget.
“I want to remember.” She said quietly, and he nodded. Pointing towards the door, he ushered her through it and she took a deep breath as she passed through, finding herself back on the Dreamland base. She’d almost forgotten, really, where she’d been before this whole thing started.
Looking down confirmed that she was indeed back in the chair, and a poke proved that things really were back to normal. A sad smile drifted over her face as she realized that even coming back here, she knew Sarah and Josh would be alright.
Two weeks had gone by and she still hadn’t gotten used to being back in the chair again. Waking up every morning she moved to swing her legs out of bed, and had to choke back tears when she remembered that she couldn’t do it.
I wish I had forgotten