
Jan 23, 2013 19:51


new fandom-focused lj.

ok. intro:

i'm twenty-something. i'm very queer. i'm a feminist, constantly trying to stay intersectional. masters student in public health, concentrating in violence prevention, specifically power-based and relationship violence, mostly with in the queer community.

tv shows/characters/otps:
merlin: guinevere, ( Read more... )

text, intro

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Comments 7

i_canz_dragon January 24 2013, 03:35:33 UTC


natabutts January 24 2013, 12:15:42 UTC
i wish i didn't have to write a huge ass paper this weekend that i've been putting off, or else i'd finally catch up and flail with you.


(also, one more time: OMG COLIN WON)


i_canz_dragon January 24 2013, 12:48:36 UTC

I feel really bad cause my blog has just become six pages of the Colin Morgan show. But whatever, this is the last Merlin related thing to squee over ever. Plus, who can resist that man? Did you see that new piccie of him as Jimmy Minor?

Good luck with your paper man! Wish you all the best, I know you'll smash it :) And then yay, Borgias flail!

Also, 11 days till DOTE! (and 11 days till my blog goes from being fuck yeah colin morgan to being fuck yeah angel coulby lol. These two, honestly)


crazyfoolstiney January 28 2013, 02:39:11 UTC
I tried sending you a MSG and it keeps knocking it back. Nothing really important or anything mainly just my rambling awkwardness. xD


natabutts January 28 2013, 18:23:14 UTC
oh man, yeah LJ was being really weird for me yesterday. sorry about that.

I'd love to hear your ramblings though if LJ ever manages and you want to share :)


crazyfoolstiney January 28 2013, 18:29:19 UTC
Hehe no worries!

I was just saying I put a post in with the TW femslash tumblr to let them know about the Fest.

Other then that I'm just excited to finally be in a fandom where there's femslash! I've been in the A-Team fandom where there's pretty much ZIP.


natabutts January 29 2013, 00:16:46 UTC
oh me too. and i love these ladies so much. they're perfect for femslash.

and thanks for promoting w/ the femslash tumblr. :)


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