it was in January 1981 (I remember that specifically because I was still wearing a black armband for John Lennon) and I was at Disneyland and he, his daughter and some other guy i didn't recognize walked right by me as we were walking past the haunted house and i followed him for a few steps and he stopped and i could not think of a damn thing to say so I just went "I don't know what to say" and he said "Well don't say anything then" and I said "I'd ask you for an autograph but you're probably sick of people doing that" and he said "I don't know i suppose I could scribble a little something" and his kid goes "that's not what you usually say, daddy, you usually say you never want to see another one again" and I laughed and he gave me his autograph and winked at me and took off. It was so cool and totally unexpected (or "completely different", haha)
Comments 3
John Cleese is made of awesomely superhuman win!
And, omg, you met him? How? Don't be a tease! :-P
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