Title: A Promise of Forever Pairings: Yunjae, Yoosu, Junki/Jaejoong, Changmin/GaIn Rating: PG-13 (for boy to boy pairing) Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Drama
who can blame you yunnie... no one can resist jaejoong.. and heck! you guys forgot your wedding? aww~ Changmin is right, yuo guys should wait till your honeymoon... huff.... nice smut and awesome story.... i want a genie too~
How come they forgot their own weeding? :) Happy Valentine to you & all the readers. Happy Chinese New Year. Kung Hei Fat Choi to you & all the readers.
uwaa, the epilogue XDD silly yunjae, they forgot bout their own wedding! babo~ that's becoz they can't wait for their honeymoon i think hehehe ahh~ yunho like to tease his joongie~ hihihi
Comments 41
nice smut and awesome story....
i want a genie too~
thanks for reading!
Happy Valentine to you & all the readers.
Happy Chinese New Year. Kung Hei Fat Choi to you & all the readers.
thanks for reading!
Happy Valentines again! ^-^
silly yunjae, they forgot bout their own wedding! babo~
that's becoz they can't wait for their honeymoon i think hehehe
ahh~ yunho like to tease his joongie~ hihihi
make more yunjae >___
thanks for reading! I'll be sure to make more Yunjae stories for you guys! :)
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