Title: A Promise of Forever Pairings: Yunjae, Yoosu, Junki/Jaejoong, Changmin/GaIn Rating: PG-13 (for boy to boy pairing) Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Drama
T___T omo. yunho whats wrong with u!!! i think that letter is from yunho as a 'sorry' to jae so, that letter is from junki..isn't it? gah, i hate yunho too!*hugs jae tightly*
Why would Yunho do such an evil thing?! He better do something to fix this problem or *sharpens knives* XD I'm happy you updated I was in need of some YunJae at the moment.
wow you better have something to save Yunho on the next chapter. Looks like he is about to get shredded and be fed to the dogs by ur readers and that's including me. Will be waiting for your next update.
Comments 42
omo. yunho whats wrong with u!!!
i think that letter is from yunho as a 'sorry' to jae
so, that letter is from junki..isn't it?
gah, i hate yunho too!*hugs jae tightly*
update ASAP dear^^
thanks for reading!
glad I made someone happy...^-^
thanks for reading!
i just hope that reason is good enough to not make me hit him 8]
thanks for reading!
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