Title: A Promise of Forever Pairings: Yunjae, Yoosu, Junki/Jaejoong, Changmin/GaIn Rating: PG-13 (for boy to boy pairing) Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Drama
OMG, Yunho ! >___< I don't understand why Yunho suddenly became like that ... I mean, all is just a misunderstanding...aaah, stupid Yunho. He cheated on Jaejoong, Jaejoong gave everything to him, maybe Junki have a chance ? aaah, I love yunjae, but Yunho is so mean here, Jaejoong needs some affection, go Junki ! And I hope that Yunho will be jealous ! humph ! ;) Thank you for this chapter ! It was awesome, I can't wait for another chapter, what will happen to Yunho ? I'm really curious about Yunho POV, now *smirk* xD Thank you ~~
Comments 42
Thanks for reading!
hua hua hua.... poor my jae jae
i cant belive it yunho cant do this to jae jae
jae jae ahhhhh ulchima .... T___T
I promise that everything would be okay....it's all in the timing...^-^
please have faith in Yunjae
thanks for reading!
iam glad u update ur story at LJ ne
cause winglin down hiks hiks hiks....
i want my yunjae back ne
fix it to be good one
waiting the next chappie
I'll update as soon as I can. School has already started so updates might be a little late...^-^
I don't understand why Yunho suddenly became like that ... I mean, all is just a misunderstanding...aaah, stupid Yunho.
He cheated on Jaejoong, Jaejoong gave everything to him, maybe Junki have a chance ? aaah, I love yunjae, but Yunho is so mean here, Jaejoong needs some affection, go Junki ! And I hope that Yunho will be jealous ! humph !
Thank you for this chapter ! It was awesome, I can't wait for another chapter, what will happen to Yunho ? I'm really curious about Yunho POV, now *smirk*
Thank you ~~
I'll try to update as soon as I can...^-^
thanks for reading!
did he just say, so what?!?!!
thanks for reading!
but have faith in Yunjae...everything will be alright in the right time.
thanks for reading!
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