We are looking to hire for the following positions:
1 - Sunday daily editor
1.5 - A temporary Monday daily editor (current editor is on hiatus for approximately 3 months)2 - 2-3 back-up editors (open days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
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LJ Name: heroesknowitall
Job applying for: Back up editor (I'm from the UK and I was wondering would the time difference cause any problems?)
Night(s) available: Saturday or Sunday
Favourite character: Naruto ♥
Favourite chapter or story arc: Chapter 437 /is a sucker for NaruHina :3
Do you have any experience with updating newsletters or being a community mod? Yes, I run a newsletter community on here (maid_sama_news) and I am also a maintainer/mod for a revision based community (cubeshine) on LiveJournal.
Why you think we should hire you:
My best friend introduced me to Naruto just over a year ago and I've been hooked ever since. I'm taking part in the LeeGaara summer exchange on LJ so I'm still actively involved in writing for the fandom. As I mentioned before I also have experience in posting newsletters on this website.
I pulled out the time zone converter to figure out times. A back-up would need to step in if the daily editor doesn't post by 1 AM EST for their night (I guess that's technically the morning of the next day). That's 7 AM GMT, and I believe the general rule is that the back-up would post between 1 am EST and 10 am EST, so you would need to be able to post between 7 am GMT and 4 pm GMT of the following day.
That being the case, I need a back-up for Fridays, so that would mean you'd need to be able to post on Saturday morning. In the event that the daily editor requests a back-up, you could still post in the morning since I don't expect you to post at 5 am, lol.
Are there any other days you'd be interested in? Saturday and Wednesday are covered, but the rest are open if you'd like to take on an additional day. :) Let me know! I've also sent an invite to the comm for you.
So for Fridays if I needed to back-up the daily editor the newsletter would need to be posted before 4PM GMT on Saturday?
I'll stick to being a back-up for Fridays for the time being so I can figure all this out. Just out of curiosity, are there any other posters from outside the U.S.?
We do have non-US editors, but I'm a terrible mod and can't remember who right now. I'm pretty sure we have someone from Australia on staff.
LJ Name: toboe_lonewolf
Job applying for: Sunday editor
Night(s) available: Fri/Sat/Sun
Favorite character: Tenten
Favorite chapter or story arc: fillers because they're so silly it's perfect for macros Hm, I guess it'd be the Rescue Gaara arc, simply because it was the first major mission for Naruto post-timeskip and also included Team Gai.
Do you have any experience with updating newsletters or being a community mod? Nope, but I've been following naruto_news for a while
Why you think we should hire you: I haz HTML skillz. Been part of the fandom about 4 years now, and I like creating lists being organized.
Will I be doing this Sunday's post, or will azh_hikari be doing one last one?
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