The Basics
Name: Crystal or Crys-chan
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Leo (Tiger in Chinese)
Number of stamps: [at this community] Zero
If you're getting a re-stamp, please explain who you were matched with and why you want a re-stamp. Also, post links to 5 applications you voted in:
Likes: Drawing, writing fanfiction, singing, hanging out with my friends, playing Final Fantasy or other video games, Disney movies, Japanese and Korean movies, anime, pirates, ninjas, KUNG-FU DUGONGS, my six pets, manga, Harry Potter.
Dislikes: Spiders, heights, flying in airplanes, snobbish people, the people who try so hard to get attention, no matter who they hurt.
Favorite Food/Drink: Arizona Iced Tea, Tacos, Lobster and Shrimp (especially in my curry).
Favorite Color: If I had to choose a color, it would probably be pale blue. I'm mostly all for black, but it's not a color...
Hobbies: Writing fanfiction, drawing in my sketchbook, tending to a fanfiction archive, watching shows on STYLE network (*coughs* I get bored), FFXI dweeb.
Essay Section [don't really write an essay, but go into detail the most here]
What do you like about yourself? What I like? I like my hair, because it's pretty and I probably should take care of it more. I also like that, no matter how much I eat, I don't seem to gain a lot of weight. Maybe it's a fast metabolism? I should probably exercise to keep it like this. I like my body the way it is, which I suppose is rare for a girl? I watch too many plastic surgery shows.
What about you would you change? My teeth because they're weird and not white and my face has scars from acne, which I would love to be rid of. It affects my self esteem. And my glasses, I was lasik. I also have a tendency to be selfish unintentionally and I would like to change that. I also HATE being wrong and it tends to cause fights, I would like to change that as well. My stubbornness is another thing...
What is your motive in life? At first, I was looking into being manga-ka but then I got a discouraging speech on how extremely hard it would be to make a living off of that profession. In the end, I figured I'd balance that out with being a graphic designer/web designer.
What's your favorite animal/object? Why? My favorite animal would be a wolf for their loyalty and how they are strong leaders.
Describe yourself in no more than three words. Perverted, shy and sweet.
Are you...
Leader or Follower? Follower, I prefer not to lead as I have no confidence, even though in the end, I am leading a site with many members :/
Outgoing or Shy? I'm shy around strangers because I worry they'll think poor of me when I speak. When I'm with friends, I'm more talkative but I'm not sure it would qualify as outgoing, so to speak.
Good or Evil? Do I have to choose? I'm good, unless someone pisses me off...
Loud or Quiet? Quiet, mostly. When I laugh, people say it's loud... other than that, I am quiet.
Looks or Personality? Personality, I have no confidence in my looks, sadly.
Favorite character? Neji
Least favorite character? Pein and Madara...
Are you looking for male or female? Male, please.
Turn-Ons? I love it a nice smile and beautiful eyes, they seem to catch me the most. And pretty hair, like me! Personality wise, well, it's hard to say really. I think I have this tendency to go for egomaniacs who are a bit sarcastic, since my taste in anime characters tend to go there. I also like when they cry... just... not too much, which I am currently experiencing and it annoys me, a lot.
Turn-Offs? OH GOD, SMOKING. I have to live with two parents doing it! It's terrible and hurts my sinuses! They can't have a lot of piercings or tattoos, because that's just... wrong. I can't think of anything else, actually.
How would you want to die? Quickly, I don't like pain very much...
Do you fight with teamwork or are you fighting alone? Teamwork.
Are you scarred by your past? Greatly...
Explain your dream date. A nice quiet night inside, watching TV or eating dinner. Sometimes, I wouldn't mind eating under the stars. I'm a romantic...
Please post links to 3 applications you voted in: