Title: Breathless Author: incandescence Nominator: riza STANDARD: Other SPECIALS: Best Character Portrayal, Best Smex Scene, Best Crack Pairing Rating: R Pairings: Neji/Sakura/Shikamaru WARNINGS: ...smex? Link: Here
Title: Mistaken Author: FF.net: Winter Ashby // LJ: rosweldrmr STANDARD: Tradgedy SPECIALS: Best One-shot Rating: M Pairings: Itachi/Sakura (a bit of platonic Kakashi/Sakura at the end) WARNINGS: Adult Content, Violence, Pregnancy, Coerced Sex SPOILERS: None Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/
Title: Deep River Author: horses_and_men Nominator: ane_s_thesia Standard: General Specials: Most Original, Best One-Shot, Best Character Portrayal Rating: PG-13 Pairing: None Warnings: Character death. Angst. Spoilers: Uchiha Massacre-esque spoilers.