[closed thread] This won't hurt. Really. [Nejiko, Sachiko, NPC!Leigh]

Feb 14, 2009 13:47

Leigh was not cryptic. Like her sensei and idol, Leigh was verbose and prone to metaphors along with some odd analogies. Nejiko had needed to teach her how to write a concise mission report many times, pointing out that the Hokage's office does not want paragraphs of prose describing the delicate dance of the implementation of perfect form against an opponent, or jewel-like luminescence of the fiery sun settled in a velvet cushion of purple clouds. It had been a long, painful process - paring down the report to its most basic and essential elements had been an exercise in patience and mental/intellectual endurance. It had only taken a few years. The progress had been hindered the most by Gaia-sensei herself, who saw nothing wrong at all with encouraging the unneeded and artificial inflation of unnecessary descriptions. Finally, it came down to Nejiko convincing her teammate that if she wanted to write an overly embellished report she could, and save it in case the Hokage requested it. But for the sake of brevity, the initial report should only contain the basic facts. And if it didn't look pretty enough, then if she had time she should use the reports to practice her calligraphy.

Later Nejiko decided that it was a bad reflection on her that Leigh's calligraphy was better than her own. And so calligraphy and penmanship became yet another challenge between them - as did who could write the most efficiently succinct report, and the most elaborately detailed. Tentsuke had wisely chosen to stay out of it.

The results were easy to deduce: both Nejiko and Leigh developed impressive skill in all aforementioned areas. Gaia-sensei even repeated the compliments she had received about the neatness in writing and the clarity of their reports, though the calligraphic reports really weren't necessary and regularly-drawn characters were, in truth, much easier to read when in a hurry.

Which just started still another challenge.

So for Nejiko to receive a note from Leigh stating quite simply that she needed some help and to meet her at the Team Gaia training grounds at a time that would be convenient to Nejiko's schedule, her curiosity couldn't help but be piqued. After all, she wasn't sure what Leigh would need help with. While Nejiko was still growing, still advancing, Leigh's skill levels all seemed to have reached their highest plateau. That she was unquestionably one of the best at Leaf-style taijutsu (probably the best in her own personal estimate, but out of respect to Gaia-sensei she said 'one of') earned her a place among the elite chuunin. Tentsuke's lessons of weapons-usage and trap-making combined with Leigh's insane training ethics ensured she wasn't a one-trick wonder.

Nejiko took a look at her training/mission schedule, saw a day she had nothing happening and informed Leigh, who then got back to her with a time. That Nejiko arrived fifteen minutes early was no surprise, nor was that Leigh was already there, in a horse stance with her eyes closed. The Hyuuga wasn't the only one who found sparring meditative, even if the two women had differing opinions on what constituted meditation.

rp thread, sachiko, leigh, february year 19, nejiko

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