[Gala day 3] In which shit happens. [Sachiko, Sakurai, Tobi, etc]

Jul 08, 2008 22:52

continued from here

Ibiki and Asuka were not to be easily found, Sachiko quickly realized as she and Sakurai scoured the panicked mass. Not good, she reflected. Maybe she ought to have told at least one of the kage bunshin to find Asuka and/or Ibiki before scattering them, but too late now. Especially because the crush of people had pushed ( Read more... )

rp thread, tobi, sachiko, april year 18, sakurai

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Comments 12

pink_medicine July 9 2008, 21:41:27 UTC
'Find the Akatsuki?' Sakurai's mind first thought, but by the look on Sachiko's face realized those two phrases hadn't been meant to go together.

"Keep moving to the exits! Don't stop for your coats, I don't care how expensive they were! Go, go!" He turned away from the crowd and back to his teammate. "Akatsuki? After you? Why, I thought they wanted Naruko."


redeyedavenger July 9 2008, 21:50:40 UTC
"Same here," Sachiko replied as she sidestepped a man who wasn't being to particular about who he flattened on his way to the exit. Spotting another about to trip and fall, she moved quickly to grab the woman's arm to keep her upright, then made sure to steer her in the right direction before going back to Sakurai's side. "I don't know why he wants me--but the intent my kage bunshin saw was rather clear: knock me out, sling me over his shoulder. That's all I got before the kage bunshin poofed."


pink_medicine July 9 2008, 21:59:24 UTC
It still didn't make any sense why an Akatsuki member would be seeking Sachiko. ...Unless the plan was to use her as bait or something. Naruko had risked everything coming after her once before...

"Then we need to protect you," he concluded. "...And also probably not be anywhere where there are civilians. I don't think a member of that organization is going to show mercy to anything in its way."


redeyedavenger July 9 2008, 22:07:41 UTC
Sachiko bristled automatically at the mention of being protected, but she agreed. Reluctantly.

"Outside would be the best bet. Gives us a chance to not only see him coming, but room to fight without worrying about civilian casualties." The problem, of course, lay in finding an exit to an area to where said civilians weren't already fleeing to.

But if they could get outside, they could get on the rooftops. Not the best place but certainly better they where they were currently. Sachiko glanced around, searching in vain for windows. But of course there weren't windows, not in here. One of the other rooms, but not the corridor. Sigh.

Though... "Wasn't one of the gardens not too far from here?"


tobiisagoodgirl July 9 2008, 23:45:20 UTC
It was bad luck, maybe (or Fate, or coincidence, or whatever you wanted to call it) that Tobi was running to where Sachiko and Sakurai were. The sight of Rin and Kakami had thrown her mind into turmoil and it was like all she could do now, flee, run, get away.

Obiko, I'm Obiko, she has my eye, I'm

Madara let a howl tear through her lips and staggered against a tree, Sharingan spinning wildly. Her gaze flicked around madly before it spotted the all too bright pink hair. And in a few seconds, she saw what she wanted- the Uchiha. Despite the screaming voice in her head, Madara launch herself forward, single mindedly focused on the dark haired girl.



redeyedavenger July 9 2008, 23:57:31 UTC
Sachiko about jumped clear free of her skin when an unearthly howl rent the air. She spun around, eyes tracking for the source when she spotted the orange circle above the dark robes flying at her. Sharingan was the only thing to let her track the Akatsuki's movements, and reacting more on reflex than anything else she began channeling chakra to her hand for a chidori while at the same time attempting to get out of the way. More chakra, but infinitely faster to generate than a rasengan, and if she couldn't get out of the way in time, the chidori was bound to cause damage.


pink_medicine July 10 2008, 00:12:42 UTC
Sakurai also reacted, not as fast at spotting the Akatsuki closing in, but certainly quick to react once he did. And his reaction was...to pretty much grab the closest thing and throw it.

It was a bench. A stone bench sent cutting through the air on the path to intercept. Throwing it at the Akatsuki was pointless since they would undoubtedly not be in the same spot by the time it got there, so instead he threw it ahead near Sachiko, where the robed villian was obviously heading. If the Akatsuki was paying attention it still shouldn't hit, but it should force them to slow down even if just for a split-second.

So Sakurai made sure to run in the shadow of the flying projectile, a split-second behind, ready to come out and pound the living daylights out of whomever was threatening his team.


tobiisagoodgirl July 12 2008, 02:35:30 UTC
Children. Tch ( ... )


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