Looking for Kureno [Chiriku, Kureno, Rin]

Aug 11, 2007 16:17

[ooc: takes place after this post]

Chiriku: *Dashing through the streets in a ripple of orange with bits of red and yellow, eyes scanning everywhere for Kureno. Really wishes she knew where in the world he was and if lucky, will find one of his students.*

Kureno: *Walking through some streets, contemplating his next destination since all of his work and preparations are done for the day. Isn't really one for naps, but considering his squad leaves tonight and he had trouble sleeping the night before, is beginning to think it'd be a good idea to get one in. This mission will require him to be at his best after all. Deciding that's best, starts to turn through the streets on his way home.*

Chiriku: *Skids around a corner but happily manages to not knock anything (or anyone) over. Spots Kureno and does not give a shout, instead springs towards him while being fairly obvious about it. Spooking a shinobi was the best way to end up with a kunai somewhere you didn't want.* "Kureno-san!"

Kureno: *Had noticed there was some mild commotion coming up behind him, turning around when it calls his name* "Hn? Chirku-san?" *Noticing she looks unusually...flustered. Had he ever seen her flustered yet? So far she'd always been a rather strong example of grace and dignity. (Well, except for that ONE time...) Something must have been upsetting her...* "What's wrong?"

Chiriku: *Claps her hands together and holds them against her chest, and smiles though it looks a little strained.* "Are you currently busy with anything important that couldn't possibly be delayed for a while?"

Kureno: *raises an eyebrow* "...How 'delayed' are we talking about?"

Chiriku: "However long it takes to do one teensy weensy little favor for me that involves Asuka."

Kureno: "Asuka? I thought she was on a mission. Is it for when she gets back?"

Chiriku: "Well, that kind of is the point. She is on a mission, but this isn't for when she gets back." *thinks, It's to make sure she does get back.*

Kureno: *Pushing aside that unsettling feeling he woke up with.* "What's the favor?"

Chiriku: "Go after her, find her, and make sure everything's all right."

Kureno: "What? Why? .....Do you know something?"

Chiriku: *Shakes her head.* "No." *Which wasn't a lie - she didn't know anything, just that Asuka was going hunting and the most likely target that she had in her mind was the Akatsuki woman Asuka mentioned some months ago.* "I just... have a feeling. Would you? Please, Kureno-san?"

Kureno: *Frowns when he hears she has "a feeling" because it makes him think of his own and the chances of this just being a coincidence. Also however, because even if they are a little worried, that's not enough to suddenly launch a support team, especially when he's got his own assignment later that day... Besides, just the other day Asuka had shown a lot of faith in him. What kind of friend would he be to her if he didn't show the same faith?* "Chiriku-san, there's no reason to be worried. Asuka can take care of herself and she's got her team with her besides. She left on a similar mission like this back at the turn of the new year and you didn't seem very concerned then. How's now different?"

Chiriku: *Trying not to look frustrated, because Asuka had confided in her that she was specifically hunting Sasoriza, and the letter Chiriku had gotten had pointed that now she was getting the chance without actually spelling it out specifically.* "I'm not claiming the feeling I have is logical, but every time I've made serious effort to pack and head on home, I kept having this sense of dread. Asuka sent me a short note to tell me she was on a mission and she would write me when she gets back, and when I read it that same sense of dread hit like a waterfall. That's... all I can say." *thinks, Without betraying a trust. Please, Kureno! *

Kureno: *Her demeanor is calm, but there are little things giving her away. How she avoids his direct eye contact at some moments, then the urgency in them the next, he way her hands clench with a hidden desperation, and the choosing of her words...* "............You do know something. ...But you can't tell me, can you."

Chiriku: *Shakes her head apologetically.* "If I could, I would, but I cannot, so.... You'll just have to trust me."

Kureno: "....And you really think Asuka's in danger? What did she tell you about her mission in the note?"

Chiriku: "I think something will happen. And she only said she was going on a mission."

Kureno: "That's.....really vague you realize...."

Chiriku: "Yes, I do."

Chiriku: *Still frustrated and would run her fingers through her hair, had she hair to run her fingers through. Then, inspiration strikes.* "Kureno-san... You were stung by a scorpian about a year or so ago, correct? I'm worried... that Asuka will get stung by the same scorpian."

Kureno: "Scorpi--?" *Freezes up a little as that 'bad feeling' of his own comes back with a vengeance. Unconsciously he raises a hand over the scar on his stomach that gave a sudden throb* ".......You know about that...." *Doesn't ask how.*

Chiriku: *Nods hesitantly, dark eyes clearly upset.*

Kureno: *Long contemplating pause as he wrestles inwardly with his instinct and reason, both of which are warring with one another again.* ".......Putting together a support team will take some time.... *Still trying to be rational* Convincing the Hokage to make one may take even longer since I won't have any evidence to support a need for one. I can't say how long exactly..."

Chiriku: "If there's anything I can do to help I will, but I expect I can do precious little."

Kureno: *looking to side as he puts this together in his mind* "I have my own business to attend to later this afternoon, so I'm not sure how much I can do before then myself. It may be another 24 hours before a team is sent out, if one is sent out...."

Chiriku: *gives Kureno a Look* "I trust that you can make certain a team is sent out."

[ooc: sna, poke us so we can bring rin in.]

chat log, rp thread, chiriku, kureno, august year 17, rin

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