[Thread] Danger, High Explosives [Hanabi & Nejiko]

Jun 07, 2007 20:21

[takes place after Swordstyle]

Hanabi had been a busy boy Heir to the Hyuuga Clan leadership lately. Suzumo-sensei had been teaching him about explosives and Hanabi (knowing that pretending to struggle with a lesson was the surefire way to get to play with the subject matter for longer) was having a great time learning about such things. That seemed to bother his tutor somewhat, so he'd been hauled to the hospital's eye-clinic to watch Suzumo get lights and drops and pressure gauges poked into his eyes and was subsequently treated to the story of Why Explosives Were Dangerous (especially when dicked around with near your face).

Still, Hanabi thought they were awesome. And he didn't dick around with them near his face (like hell he was risking his eyes, right?) so he was having a good time with lessons. Aside from Suzumo he'd caught up with Hinaji somewhat, and he'd been to see his mother for more private lessons about the Clan's history and hierarchy and now, really, the only task he had left for himself was to visit Tentsuke-san's home and forge with Haruhi and Hiroki and see about his... overzealous kitten.

It was after dinner time, but the summer sun was still high so Hanabi figured now was as good a time as any to head for the older shinobi's house and fulfill his promise. He was halfway down the road (well, over the roofs - since he was learning to be sneaky like ninja and rooftop routes were the way to do it, apparently) when he heard some familiar voices and looked down.

Nejiko-neesan. Tentsuke-san. Spectacularly compromising sort of situation to do with her actually, honest-to-eyeballs being carried by a male, and not just a male. A male friend.

Hanabi sat next to a chimney stack and waited quietly, watching them with... well, with eyes way too old for his face as they interacted in that way they had. It must be nice, having friends like that. Even if they pissed you off and embarassed you and exasperated you... it must be nice for his cousin to have somebody who would carry her home and smile about it.

Once they were out of sight and she had hobbled safely to the compound, he closed off his Byakugan and sighed.

Then smiled wickedly to himself.

No good harassing her when her foot was still injured. It was... unsporting. Like cornering a crippled animal and throwing sticks at it.

No... the true instigation of his unholy (though entirely sporting) campaign of harassery was at breakfast the next morning. Hanabi strolled over to where Nejiko was sitting under one of clan's old willow trees and inclined his head at her.

"So... Tentsuke-san didn't bring you home until rather late last night, Neesan," he started, clasping his hands politely behind his back. When she glanced up at him he realized this felt rather like lighting the fuse on an explosive tag and waiting to watch the fireball.

No wonder Hanabi thought it was so much fun.

"Dinner and a show, was it?" he continued, glancing down to her bandaged foot. "Tell me you didn't do this to yourself on a dancefloor."

rp thread, may year 17, nejiko, hanabi

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