Title: Not Children Anymore Author: angel_in_tears Recipient: narniaexchange Rating: G Possible Spoilers/Warnings: None Summary: Every day was a struggle, how could they be ‘normal’ again?
This is a very nice transition between the first and second Disney movies, neatly explaining how the Pevensies wound up as such a strange and frustrating mix of adulthood and childhood.
I really like this glimpse into the frustrations they must have felt upon returning to England after so long in Narnia. It always seemed like they'd have such regrets!
Thank you so much, this really is great. The way you wrote the four of them was perfect, Susan's being my favorite. It was defiantly exactly what i had wanted from the fic. Again thank you so much.
Whoa, really good portray on each of the characters! Especially neat how you described how they all feel quite alone in their sorrows although they had each other. It brought a good bit of realism, because isn't that how sadness feels: you feel like you have it the worst even if you can see that others are sad too, but to you they seem to be handling it much better than the rest. Really interesting take on the Pevensie siblings! :D
Comments 7
Thank you for sharing!
Peace. Happiness.Love
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