in desperate need of a beta!

Nov 16, 2008 19:11

Looking for a beta!

I'm working on a fic for narniaexchange and for that I NEED a beta. I shouldn't give out too much information because we're not supposed to. ;) Although I can tell you it shouldn't be controversial at all, or the prompt isn't. Additionally, I would like a beta reader for my prompt at 100foraslan (and as I can tell you, it is slashy and possibly incestuous and will most likely be movieverse.)

If you email me and I decide to accept I will email you back my prompt, at some point! So no need to worry. (Hopefully that will be soon, as this week will get even more hectic as it goes on.)

So! If you're interested in betaing (and I have never had a beta before; and these fics are due Nov. 22 29 unless I take an extension) please email me the following info:
[Subject line should say BETA somewhere so I don't delete it.]
- Name & LJ username
- Which fic would you prefer to beta -- the genfic, slashfic, or either?
- Other additional info, e.g. beta experience, writing experience, etc.

I've taken my email out of this post, so if you still want to beta please leave a comment here with the same criteria above.


P.S. Also, I am also at FFNet if someone sees this who is more comfortable exchanging over there. Just let me know! My username is "oh sweet lily beans" there.
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