So I was listening to "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" for the 12thish time....

Mar 08, 2013 00:11

And holding something that was glued and drying in one hand, and caressing the Gary Oldman Wikipedia page trying to find out why. Thefuck. He didn't get an Oscar in 2011 for this role because it is the single most restrained, microscopically subtle, and orgasmically badass performances on film...

I was doing all that, and read this sentence:
"Ryan ( Read more... )

american horror story, gary oldman

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Comments 6

thesteppyone March 8 2013, 08:52:11 UTC
And holding something that was glued and drying in one hand

I was convinced you were about to squee, then crush/move said drying object and cause mini disaster, thankfully this did not happen!


napchic March 8 2013, 09:10:15 UTC
Lol! That has SO happened.

There is always an art supply/craft/project in at least one of my hands.
I get very distracted/excited by new information.
It's a bad combination :)
I've snapped/crushed/tipped over arts and art supplies entirely too many times during sudden, bouncing fits of squee :)

I've superglued myself to things in distraction a billiondy times. And I once may have bruised a rib when I exuberantly threw myself over the backs of a row of theater seats and landed on the chair arms on my side.

*gets all excited*


tmblue March 14 2013, 14:16:17 UTC
Dude, seriously. I need to watch that film again. I just died over it, but I know I missed key points and want to revisit. Oldman was, as stated, totally incredible.


napchic March 14 2013, 20:28:51 UTC
I may have seen it twenty times ( ... )


tmblue March 14 2013, 20:48:39 UTC
It's SUCH a richly dense film. This just goes to prove it. I remember bits about the stuff you mentioned with his wife, but I honestly don't recall most of the rest. It just makes me that much more excited to re-watch as soon as I have the opportunity.

It's like... you can feel how packed full it is, how much there is in layers you haven't surfaced. I knew, as I was watching it, that I would have to comb over it with a microscope later. That it might require months of th0ught and second...third...twentieth viewings to feel that I "got it," or at least got all of what it wanted you to know or to feel.

I love film like that. That's a serious rarity.

Thank you for sharing those details. It's honestly going to make it even better when I watch again :)


napchic March 23 2013, 08:51:44 UTC
I would bore you to death with my insights if we could ever watch the film together. I'm awful. I get SO. EXCITE ( ... )


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