this kissing

Feb 05, 2010 22:21

Title: this kissing
Author: mme_fishy
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for 4.02
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Characters, Plot, and so on belong to Skins, I’m simply barrowing them for a quick moment.
Summary: Sophia’s thoughts
A Note: My first writing piece. It’s a quiet dabble, nothing special. Also, I don't have a clue what I'm doing in concerns to posting an entry so forgive me if it's messy.

this kissing

[There is a quiet wave, right before. And then there is only silence.]

She is looking, and nothing else. Her eyes (watery blue, like the paintings I saw once before, once before when I was younger at the museum- this watery blue, like a painting, beautiful).

Her eyes, they see me. They take each of my layers, her eyes- they take off these heavy layers I carry like dead weight crusted over my skin.

She makes me feel light and airy- like curtains wavering in a soft wind by an open window- I’m weightless.

We do not speak.

She lightly strokes my arm with her cool fingertips- like snow, this light touching of hers, feels like snow falling soundlessly, beautifully, on my arm. The hairs on my arm follow her, rise up as she grazes over my skin, just touching, feeling me.

There is a quiet wave, right before- it washes over my chest as I take a breath, filling my lungs- and then we are kissing.

She is pressing her lips (warm lips, moist and dulcet) against mine.

Bliss, this is purity in its finest hour.

I have a melodious ringing inside my head, a buzzing of sorts and I smile into her mouth, I can see this, us, as a picture. I have the drawing inside me waiting, but first, this kissing-this delicate first kiss of mine by a girl, a blonde haired girl with the sweetest face.

I will keep this inside my heart.

I have locked this moment to last me, last me forever.

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