FIC: Entre Les Overdoses d'Amour (Between Overdoses of Love)

Jan 13, 2010 21:57

Title: Entre Les Overdoses d'Amour (Between Overdoses of Love)
Author: eskimo_jo
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, character death, adult and disturbing scenes, hard drug use
Disclaimer: The names of all characters contained here-in are the property of Skins, Company Pictures, & Channel4. No infringements of these copyrights are intended, and are used here without permission.
Summary: A sequel to Collision. When Katie decides to visit her sister in London, she throws everyone's lives into upheaval, prompting Emily to question her commitment to her girlfriend in light of Naomi's complicated relationship with Cook.

Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3a || Part 3b

As a bonus, I made a (massive) mix as well. You can find it here.

All @ rabbithearts.

fanmixes, fanfic, fanfic: r

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