Title: Your too blind to see
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own skins. So wish i did haha
Summary: Emily's story of coping with how she feels about Naomi.
A/N:Please comment and tell me what you guys think , it would be really appreciated thnx .xxx Quite short but oh well lool
I didnt take MDMA that night , I just wanted to kiss you. I want to kiss you now.
Your gay ? .....
Her blond hair swept with the wind as she walked across the college greens , her blue eyes glistened as she observed the passing students. To me Naomi Campbell was the closest thing to perfection.
I wish she was able to see it , how deeply I felt about her. I felt the passion when we shared our kiss , I wasnt drunk and I wasn't on MDMA. It felt right , like we were meant to be together.
I scanned the college halls for her, she was standing there completely unaware of the fact that I was staring at her. I had to talk to her, she had to listen to me.
" Hi Naomi " It was almost a whisper but Naomi seemed to jump at the sound of my voice.
" What do you want Emily? " Her arrogance made me nervous. But I continued
" I.. um wanted to see if you were ok ? "
" Well you've seen me , and I'm fine , so is that it ? " I stopped dead , as she walked on towards class.
The sound of heels echoed the hall as I stood there in silence. It could only be one person, my twin sister Katie Fitch.
" What are you doing Emily ? You look like a pathetic loser , close your mouth , god ! "
" Nothing , um , i was.. waiting for you. "
" Yeah , sure you was Emily, come on lets go to English.
As we entered English , she was there again, the worst part was that she didnt even look at me. The arrogance continued throughout the whole lesson, by the end I wanted to say something to her again but she walked out of the room before I could even stand up.
It was killing me inside as I lay there that night. Why was she so blind to see how I felt about her ?