Send my words like music to your ears. (3/??)

Aug 14, 2009 23:02

Gordon, you will never believe what I just found only my sister letters from her girlfriend. Lezza letters! Fucking filthy stuff too! She’s on holiday in some foreign country or whatever, but the things she must be doing to herself!

Seriously, you know all that stuff you told me about lezzas and how they are into sensual stuff, and never really, y’know, fuck. This is no way sensual! This is proper… this is like porn! I’ve hit the fucking jackpot!

You should totally come and check it out; maybe next time I come over I’ll bring ‘em round.

I wonder if Ems gets off too it? I mean, I know she’s on the computer all the time talking to her. Oh my god, what if they have that live web cam chat or something, or what was that thing you told me, cyber sex.

Oh shit, better go. I think Ems just came in from shopping; she’ll wanna go on here.

Fucking hell, she’ll be on here…doing that cyber sex shit.



-- has signed in Hey babe! I found a internet café in town, was a bugger finding it, cause Mum wouldn’t let me out of the house, dangerous street or whatever. I always thought the Irish were kind…either that or drunk.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: I can’t believe I’m able to talk to you, properly! Well not really properly but it’s a start. I’m sure Ireland isn’t that bad, a lot of jolly old folk looking for a good time. Exactly, drunk people loll.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: How’s your mum? She having a good time? I’m starting to think you like my mum more than you like me Em…

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: What?! Haha, don’t be stupid. I miss you… L Ohh come on Em, you know I would be right back there with you if I had the chance, but my mum wanted to stay a little longer. I mean it’s not like Kieran lives there at all so I don’t get why we are staying. And don’t make that face.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: What face? The one I know you’re pulling right now. The one you always pull when you don’t want me too go, or when you want me to come back. And I know you pulled it when you wrote me all those letters. So predictable, Haha.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: Hey! I do not always pull it! Bet you’re pulling it now aren’t you…

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: Of course not. Absolute lies. Anyway, my mum said that from like Saturday I could pick whenever we get to go. And it’ll take at least a day to get back from Ireland because fucking Kieran decided we should drive to save money. So is Sunday ok? I would come round Saturday night, but I don’t know what time I’ll be back.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: I could stay up… You shouldn’t, you need your beauty sleep.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: You calling me ugly now? No present for you when you get back. Oh come on, you know I didn’t mean it. And anyway, there is no way you could resist my charms, you’d totally give me the present, even if I did.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: What makes you think I haven’t gone off you now, you know and began an infatuation with Effy? She really is beautiful you know, gorgeous eyes. Stop it.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: Oh what’s this? Naomi ‘I don’t give a shit about anything’ Campbell, is…jealous?! Who’d of thunk it? I’m not jealous; I’d just rather not hear my girlfriend talking about a pretty girl who is closer to you than I am right now.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: Oh so you haven’t disowned me? Oh fuck off would I ever be able to disown you. Shit, Em, my money has almost run out. I’m gonna have to go. I miss you ok. So much.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: I miss you too. I will stay up for you on Saturday, even if it is at like 1 in the morning, I want to see you. Just text me and I’ll come down and let you in. You got my phone number from the email before right? I certainly did, and also got those filthy little stories from you. Saucy minx. Anyway, have to go. Love you lots.

E m I l y - misses Nae like crazy: Love you more. Not possible. is offline.


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