First Skins Fic

Aug 08, 2009 00:29

Hi everyone! I've only been at this comm for a short while, but I love it. I'm a huge Naomily fan though I haven't finished the 3 series of Skins yet. I read a few fics here and I was really inspired to write one of my own. It's short and a tad bit on the fluffy side, but expect longer fics to come! Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Title: Through the Door
Pairing: Naomi/Emily
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: I don't own Skins. I only wrote this for fun.
A/N: I just watched Naomi's episode so this kinda picks up at the end of that.

We sat there for a long time holding hands. I was on one side of the door, Naomi on the other. To a passerby it might have looked strange; a lone blonde girl sitting in front of a door to house not her own. But if they looked closer they would have seen a hand clutching hers, my hand. They still might have sniggered at the sight because my hand is a girl’s hand; a hand with pink polished nails.
No, those people might understand why we didn’t want to let go of each other. Naomi herself was just beginning to understand. It was hard for me while she was still in that state of confusion. She kept drawing me in and then pushing me away harder and harder each time. But I knew her, still know her, better than anyone, even herself. She really really needs someone. Like I do.
My sister would definitely not understand. With her closed mind and slurs. I pretend it doesn’t hurt me. I’ve been doing that so long I hardly notice anymore, but the pain is still there. She thinks she’s perfect because she’s had every guy she’s ever wanted. But I don’t think that’s an accomplishment. How could it be when every one of them treats her like shit? I’ve seen this happen over and over again. I don’t want to be the same as her. And I’m not because I’m in love with someone who finally needs me and I know will try to treat me right. And if she screws up I know it’s not because she doesn’t love me, I know that it’s because her life is almost as fucked up as mine is. Things are getting better though. I can feel it like I can feel the squeeze of her hand.

Thanks for reading guys!!! &hearts
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