Fic Meme

Apr 16, 2009 22:16

A/N: I'm not v good at this short writing thing, and its the first time I've done it, but I thought I'd give it a go and I stuck to the time as well...

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn your music player on and turn it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble/ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterward!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

i) Forever Young - Alphaville
Sometimes I can’t help but notice just how young Emily looks while she stares at me that way; everything in wide, innocent eyes and neat hair and slightly parted lips. And then she smiles, slowly and her eyes darken as her face dips further in between my thighs, and it occurs to me, as my breath rattles around in my throat, what a perfect little predator she is.

ii) Kingdom of Rust - Doves
Watching them together, doing nothing more than talk, with the occasional burst of laughter, was somehow sickening. And when Naomi caught her eye and grinned smugly, like she’d won, she would always get a decidedly bitter taste in her mouth - it wasn’t that she didn’t want Emily to be happy, she just didn’t want her to be happy without her.

iii) All We Have Is Now - The Flaming Lips
The presence of fingers trailing just so far up her back, ghosting ever so lightly over her skin - it made her never want to give this up, this tenuous link that existed while they were alone.

But she knew, sooner or later, Emily would push for more, and she knew already that she wouldn’t give it to her - not couldn’t, just wouldn’t.

iv) Can’t Stand It - Wilco
Having formerly been straight, until an amazing conversion at the hands (and mouth) of a rather persistent red-head, Naomi found herself a little lost in some of the subtleties, such as -who was the man?

Maybe it was Emily, who’d been the one to do the pursuing, although she’d also walked out, which indicated woman. Then again, Naomi had done the whole woman scorned rigmarole at the Love Ball, but so had Emily; there was just no clear answer.

When asked, Emily responded in a suitably nonplussed fashion - We’re both girls, there is no man.

v) Made of Love - Ferry Corsten It was her right, of course, to fuck JJ if she so felt the inclination, but that didn’t stop her from feeling the cold guilt every time she kept herself from telling Naomi, and it certainly didn’t quash the heavy resentment that burnt Naomi when she found out.

vi) In For The Kill - La Roux
She hadn’t drunk that much tonight, whereas it seemed that Emily had drunk anything and everything, as usual. This led to inebriated dancing and Naomi was pretty content to watch as Cook and Emily jumped and grinded clumsily.

She wasn’t a dancer herself, but when she saw Cook’s hands stray where they ought not to be... namely her girlfriend’s breasts, she didn’t hesitate to stalk over to them and untangle Emily from Cook’s overzealous limbs, with a muttered warning

- Get your own.

vii) There Is A Light - The Smiths
It was unfair really, that Naomi would keep dangling the possibility of us, with fleeting kisses and comfortable silences. And I could only blame myself for trusting her so utterly when she once again pulled it out of my reach.

viii) Millionaire - Andre 3000
One knows for certain they’ve become a doting girlfriend when the merest mention of the word ‘hospital’ means pedalling like an Olympic athlete to the Accident and Emergency, only to find that Emily has cycled herself into a tree while staring too long at her bikini-clad neighbour.

ix) In The Waiting Line - Zero 7
Effy notices everything, like the way JJ’s eyes linger a bit too long on Emily and how he avoids looking at Naomi at all. The way Emily’s head tips forward and then sharply back as she tries to keep herself awake. The slightly mollified glares of Katie when she stares at... well anyone really.

So Naomi must be a bit daft to think that Effy doesn’t catch the way her arm tightens around the redhead’s shoulders and how she stares daggers at any potential opportunity.

x) Love is like a Heat Wave - Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
Seeing Emily eating lightly buttered toast, occasionally dipping it into her tea (which is a bit gross) while discussing the pros and cons of feminism and its likely applications in the modern working world with her mother, Naomi is startled by how normal it is to be a gay, bleached blonde, politically active, teenage girl with one half of a twinset for a girlfriend and a hippy, commune-loving mum.

She decides that she must join some sort of cult religion, perhaps scientology.

fanfic, fanfic: pg

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