meet the rents (pt 4)

Apr 14, 2009 04:29

Title:Do i really need to repeat this again?
Author:me, yes still!
Disclaimer:Dont own skins, u shud all be thanking god 4 this
Rating: M,15+?
Warnings:a little suggestive but nothing other than that
Summary: Cant, would give the whole thing away (also, u'll need to 4get 3 quarters of ep 9 happened in order 4 it 2 make sense)

"Look Naomi, I'll just cut to the chase, do my daughter or not?" Jenna Fitch (authors note:thx 4 filling me in) didnt joke around when it comes to her precious, well, her other daughter.
Naomi was instantly relieved at hearing this because she knew the exact answer to this, she always have known.
"Mrs Fitch, I'm also gonna be frank here if you dont mind, yes, I do, I love Emily Fitch and I'd be happy to repeat this as many times as you'd like, or to anyone else who'd like for that matter
"Good, then I trust you'd follow my one request, it should be easy if you do love her as much as you say"
"Yes, of course, anything"
If there was one thing Naomi learned from politics, it was how to stand your ground, and she was doing just that.

"So, Emilykens, her?" At first, he was shocked to find out that his daughter was a lesbian, but, like any parent, he just wanted her to be happy, that's all that matters.
"Yes dad, I do" Emily squeezed her dad's hand, reassuring that she was, indeed, happy.
"Right, so, eh hem, I trust that you're being..." Emily instantly blushed when she realized what her dad was about to say, Rob, like any parent, also wanted his daughter to every way.
"Dad! Uhm, yeah, its ok, we, em, know what were doing so, just, you can relax okay?" She managed to stutter all the while avoiding eye contact, she always knew that they'd have the talk someday but she never really got around to preparing, then again, she never thought about the fact that she'd be doing it with girls until, well, until she did.
"Right, uhm, oh, it's 9 already, I'm gonna go and watch that excercise program now if you dont mind, good chatting with you honey" And just like that, rob left Emily alone with her thoughts, a smile creeping onto her face as she thinks about all the times her and Naomi had practiced being safe (author's note:sorry it's soo bland, i've never had the talk b4 so i really donno how to rite it), practice makes perfect doesn't it?

"I want her to stay a virgin" Jenna flatly said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Im sorry?" Naomi barely able to not choke on her spit...again
"At least for now, she's very very precious, and I'd like to keep her pure for as long as possible, just like Katie"
"Katie? As in Katie Fitch? Pure? Are you mental woman?" Of course she kept that thought to herself, instead just asked casually
"What about Danny?"
"What about him?"
The blonde looked shocked for a tiny moment before regaining her composure, she was even smiling on the inside, Jenna Fitch only sees what she wants to, I mean, how could she not notice Danny? He was certainly very noticeable (author's note:sorry i used "i" there)
"Nothing, anyhow, yes, I'd, I mean, we'd like to as well, we both want it to be special so we're waiting" Naomi was calm on the outside but on the inside she was grinning widely, oh, how she loves to break the rules, many times, and this conversation just adds fuel to the flame.
"Good, well, I'm off to bed now, I'll see you later Naomi"
"Yes, have a good night Mrs Fitch, and thanks for a lovely dinner"

"Hey, so, I know we agreed to stay here but..."
"Lets go back to yours" Emily felt a feeling of lust come over her, especially after that talk.
"I was gonna say get something to eat, I'm starving! But ok, only because you insist though" Naomi laughed at her girlfriend's rather cute hornyness (author's note:hornyness???? is tht even a word?).
"Well, i mean we could always get some salad on the way home..."Emily teased playfully
"With extra virgin olive oil yeah? I'm craving extra virgin olive oil" Naomi finished off their private joke as both girls burst into uncontrolable fits of laughter. (author's note:haha, get it? extra virgin olive oilzz? What do u mean no? Gawd, jux 4get it then)

As the four went their seperate ways, 2 going to bed and the other two going to bed,, they all thought the same thing
"Well, that was eventful...but, it turned out...rather well"

(authors note:Well, what'd you think? comments comments comments as always r greatly appreciated, thx 4 reading, if only I had the smut writing skills, I'd totally do a "midnight snack" thing, *wink wink* )

fanfic, fanfic: r

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